Saturday, October 1, 2022

Today's Daily Devotional: What Do You Know? Who Do You Know?


From Intouch

Making Him Known

What we believe about God impacts how we live. It's important to be sure we know the truth.

Acts 17:16-34

When Paul arrived in Athens, he found religious people seeking to please their various gods. To make sure all their bases were covered, there was even an altar inscribed to an unknown god. 

The Athenian religious culture may seem totally foreign to us, but today many people are likewise seeking to please false gods. Some who claim to follow the true God are actually worshipping an image of their own making. That’s why every Christian must answer three questions correctly. 

1. Who is the one true God? He is the Creator who made the world as well as everything in it—including you and me. In fact, He keeps us alive and has determined where and when each of us will live.  

2. How can we appease Him? There’s nothing we can do to make ourselves right with a holy God, because everything mankind does is tainted by sin. 

3. What has God done to help us? In His Word, God has instructed us all to repent and believe in His Son, who paid the penalty for our sin and was raised from the dead. 

How did you do? Do your answers confirm that you’re worshiping the one true God? If not, seek Him right now. 

Bible in One Year: Zechariah 11-14

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