Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Today's Devotional: Grace Multiplied

From CDM

 “May grace (God’s favor) and peace (which is perfect well-being, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts) be multiplied to you in [the full, personal, precise, and correct] knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” (2 Peter 1:2, AMPC).

God multiplies grace and peace through revealed knowledge. Breakthrough comes when we get a revelation Word directly from God.

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Mike O'Hearn's Power Bodybuilding 12-Week Training Program

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Strength-building powerlifts (squat, deadlift, bench press) form the core of Mike O'Hearn's program, but they’re surrounded by bodybuilding exercises and rep ranges. Every four weeks, you'll systematically increase the weight you use on your main lifts. The result is a body that's not just show and go but show and dominate—superhero-style.

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Saturday, August 27, 2022

HitchFit Lose Weight Improve Health and Confidence


online plan to lose 15 pounds

Lose weight improve health and confidence. Megan got herself on a healthy track during the Covid pandemic. After losing 40 pounds on her own, she was stuck and needed guidance on how to continue making progress.
She signed up for a 12 Week Lose Weight Feel Great plan, and working with Hitch Fit Coach Diana, continued her journey to shed over 13 more pounds of fat, and even better, got her blood pressure to a healthy place!

Megan’s Before and After Weight Loss Stats:
Starting weight: 154.3
Ending weight: 141
Starting body fat: 38.27%
Ending body fat: 25.92%
Starting waist measurement: 36 in
Ending waist measurement: 27.5 in
Starting hip measurement: 39 in
Ending hip measurement: 37 in
Megan’s Before and After Weight Loss Photos: 

how to lose 15 pounds

lose weight improve health and confidence

lose 15 pounds before and after

Megan’s Story and Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Review:
“I found Hitch Fit through a mutual acquaintance who introduced the program for me!
During the COVID-19 pandemic I decided to make some big lifestyle changes and ended up losing 40 pounds.
I still had about 15 or so pounds I wanted to lose when I met Diana and still wasn’t feeling my best physically.

Lose the last 15 pounds to improve health and confidence

I had plateaued and wasn’t making anymore progress no matter how hard I tried. I also had been diagnosed with high blood pressure about a year prior, and after losing quite a bit of weight, my blood pressure was still high.
After completing my 12 week program I am feeling mentally and physically great!
My blood pressure is lower than ever and I am hoping to be able to go off my medication at my next doctor’s appointment.
This process helped me not to care so much about what my body looks like, but reminded me of the importance of keeping myself healthy physically and mentally.
There were moments where the scale wasn’t moving or I was feeling defeated, but Diana kept reminding me how important it is to tell myself I CAN do this.
Changing my mindset changed everything for me and helped me to continue to make progress.
I still have more progress I want to continue to make, and Diana helped me to establish the basics and create new healthy habits. I feel like this is only the beginning for me and am excited to see where this takes me!

Program Choice: Lose Weight

Best Online Weight Loss Plan

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Today's Devotional: Our Secret 'Safe Space'

From CDM

 “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!” (Psalm 91:1, 2, AMPC).

There’s a secret place in which we can remain safe in God. We can stay stable and fixed when we trust Him and His promises at all times.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Don’t Eat These 3 Food Groups if You Have Arthritis

  • Author David Smith
Some of it is just common sense. Probably everything your mother told you to stay away from, but in our fast-paced, warp-speed microwave world, it’s easy to get caught up into what’s the easiest and fastest. Before eating that next greasy cheeseburger and French fries drenched in salt, ask yourself if it’s worth the discomfort you will experience in your joints the next day. Balance is key in eating but if you have been diagnosed with arthritis, you will want to keep inflammation at bay. And as you may already know, the less inflamed the joints the less pain you will be in.

So, what foods should you avoid that help with reducing inflammation? As a first step, avoid the foods that science is certain links to chronic inflammation from your diet. An excellent starting point are fried foods and refined sugar. While limiting these foods, increasing less-processed whole foods can alleviate some symptoms of arthritis, like pain and swelling. The added benefit is, of course, maintaining a healthy weight which can also alleviate unnecessary stress on the knee joints.

Keep reading to learn of 3 more foods that are the worst for arthritis that might not be so obvious.

Ready-made frozen foods

Easy, but full of sodium, frozen dinners and pre-made meals are something to be avoided for those with rheumatoid arthritis. When you have rheumatoid arthritis, you may want to limit the amount of sodium that you eat because certain medications such as corticosteroids can cause you to hold onto more salt, which increases inflammation. Read labels as the frozen food industry is now offering healthier alternatives and try to limit your daily sodium intake to about 1,500 milligrams.

Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor-enhancing food additive most commonly found in prepared Asian food and soy sauce, but it can also be found in frozen meals. It’s also added to fast foods, prepared soups and soup mixes, salad dressings and deli meats. This chemical can trigger two important pathways of chronic inflammation and affect liver health.

Gluten and refined carbs

Gluten, a sticky protein found in wheat and related grains, such as barley, oats, and rye, can promote inflammation. Unlike other proteins, we don't digest gluten completely and, in some people, the immune system sees gluten as the enemy and will unleash weapons to attack it, causing inflammation in the intestines as well as in other organs, joints, and tissues.

Refined carbohydrates are white flour products such as bread, pasta, white rice, cereals and more markedly drives inflammation and also accentuates the omega-3 deficiencies that powerfully impact joint inflammation. Omega-3s are that good fat richly found in seafood, nuts, and certain oils. Research has shown that omega-3s may prevent diseases like heart disease and diabetes, helping protect your brain in addition to fighting inflammation. Processed carbs are beginning to supersede fats as the main driver of escalating rates of obesity and other chronic conditions. These high-glycemic index foods fuel the production of advanced glycation end (AGE) products that stimulate inflammation.


About 60 percent of the population have a hard time digesting milk and other dairy products and the proteins found in them, which can cause inflammation in the body. Most cheeses contain a high amount of saturated fats, and saturated fats have been shown to be an inflammation trigger not only for heart disease but arthritis as well.

Dairy products such as ice cream are high in saturated fats. Saturated fat + sugars = inflammation’s match made in paradises. Saturated fat is one of the most inflammation-inducing nutrients, and a study of more than 100 arthritis patients who eliminated dairy reported self-perceived benefits.

As your own experiment, try cutting dairy from your diet and see what happens to your body when you give it up. Not all dairy causes inflammation, so if you want to enjoy it, try slowly adding back in products that have probiotics known to fight inflammation, including low fat cheese and unsweetened Greek yogurt.

Cutting back on foods that promote inflammation, increasing the proportion of fruits and vegetables in your diet, making organic chicken and fish your main protein and getting more omega-3s can make a big difference in your arthritis symptoms.

To learn more about what foods you should be eating if you have been diagnosed with arthritis visit

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Today's Devotional: Love or Nothing

From CDM

 “If I [can] speak in the tongues of men and [even] of angels, but have not love (that reasoning, intentional, spiritual devotion such as is inspired by God’s love for and in us), I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1, AMPC).

Love is the power-packed force in our Christian walk. Love never fails because God never fails. God is love.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Concealed Carry Featuring: Why Take Advanced Training


Protecting loved ones or innocent people may be a reality in a defensive gun use. Training with your family on how to respond to different incidents is important.

So you've gone to the store and bought a shiny new (or not shiny, depending on your tastes) handgun, did the responsible thing and took your concealed carry permit class, and you're now good to go. Right? You can now carry your gun wherever you're allowed to, based upon the state in which you live. Are you confidently carrying your gun knowing that you're as prepared as you can be?

Or maybe you're like I was just a few months ago … living in a state that didn't require any training to get a concealed carry license. I honestly prefer that. It feels freer to me. I love freedom and feel strongly, on a personal level, that nobody should force us to get training. Knowing that, don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way:

You should take classes, on at least a semi-regular basis, if you are serious about self-defense and don't want your skills to perish. Shooting is a perishable skill. I know some folks have likened shooting to riding a bike. Heck, I think I even have said it like that before. But it's more like learning a new language than riding a bike. If you don't use it, you eventually lose it. Maybe you don't lose all of it, but enough to no longer be considered proficient.

I used to be able to speak Japanese to some degree because I was stationed in Japan during my time in the Marines. These days, I can remember only a few key phrases–which would likely be just enough to get me out of a jam, find a toilet, or ask for the police if needed.

Training with your handgun is the same way. If you don't do it, you'll lose it. Again, maybe you won't lose all of it, but you'll lose enough of it to not be as proficient as you should be IF you ever need to draw your firearm in defense of your own, or a loved one's, life.

Static Shooting only does the body so much good:

Here's the thing though. You don't just need “training” how you've been doing it since you got your permit. You need to take it up a notch. Why? Hopefully it's obvious, but you want to stack as many pluses on your side as possible when it comes to defending your life. That's the training that's going to kick in if you ever find yourself in a critical incident.

If you're statically shooting at a still paper target, it's not enough. Sure, it's great for fundamentals, but it's not enough. Why?

Bad guys fight back:

Why isn't static shooting enough? Because bad guys fight back. In fact, they're the ones who attacked you to begin with, right? So, chances of you being able to get into your full shooting position aren't likely. In fact, you may not even be able to get your support hand on your gun. What then? What do you do if you only have one hand?

Or, worse yet, what if your shooting/strong hand gets hurt in the fight and you still need to defend yourself from other attackers? That's a nightmare if you've never practiced shooting with your support hand. It sounds far-fetched, but it could and has happened. An advanced instructor may teach you these skills, depending on the class you take.

Bad guys move:

You've likely heard of the 21-foot rule. And, while I'm not here to discuss how legit that is, there is at least some merit to it. It's been proven that a bad guy can make up 21 feet in the time it takes for you to draw your gun and get on target. Chances are good that you've never had to shoot at a moving target. I have, and it's not as easy as you might think.

It may happen at night:

I've gone through low-light training of sorts, and it's a different animal altogether than shooting in broad daylight. A lot of the time, criminals attack when they cannot be seen as easily, during the nighttime hours. If you've never tried to acquire your sights in the dark, you need some low-light defensive tactics training under your belt.

There are plenty of advanced-level instructors who offer low-light shooting classes.

It may happen indoors:

Guess what? If you've never shot indoors or maneuvered around a house with a firearm, you're going to have a hard time doing it without any kind of proper training under your concealed carry belt. Think about it for a second–where do you spend most of your time? Is it in your house at night? If you're not getting trained on indoor defense, you could really fumble something up in that situation.

There may be other innocents around you:

This is something most people never think of. If you're in public, or even in your own house, there are almost always going to be other innocent people around you that you need to think of. What do you do with them? What if you have little kids? What if there are innocent bystanders in an active shooter situation? What do you do?

Cover or concealment:

Have you ever taken cover behind an object and fired your weapon? In a real-life situation, you're going to want to find something to get behind if at all possible. You may need to keep shooting if you can't get away fully. First, do you know what to look for in proper cover? Second, do you know how to shoot back if needed? Many advanced training programs will teach this as one of the first tactics they teach.

What about a partner:

This is another one many people don't think about. Are you normally with someone else who carries a gun for self-defense? Are you trained on what to do together should the need arise? There are classes that revolve around two person or team self-defense. They're a great way to learn what to do in a team environment and can be a real eye opener.

Every situation is different:

These above scenarios are more or less just designed to get you thinking about what could happen. There is no way any of us can foresee crime or an attack. It's just not going to happen. All each of us can do is to be as prepared mentally and physically as possible so we can overcome any attack on ourselves or family. To not seek out advanced training of some sort is borderline irresponsible, and you should seek out extra training as your budget allows. Your very life could depend on it. I know I'm overdue, and I'm looking for advanced training as we speak.

Consider attending the annual Guardian Conference where you can train with many of the top trainers in the industry all in one place. This saves you money and time because you're not traveling all over the country. The conference is right around the corner, don't miss out.

Learn more about the Guardian Conference here.

*This post was originally published in August 2019*

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Today's Devotional: Fearless Love!

From CDM

 “And walk in love, [esteeming and delighting in one another] as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God [for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance” (Ephesians 5:2, AMPC).

To love others freely, we have to receive God’s love, and allow Him to teach us how to love. Human love is fearful and cautious, but God’s love is fearless and extravagant. It drives out fear. With His love, we can love others without charging them for our love.

Friday, August 19, 2022

4 STRATEGIES FOR GETTING READY TO PERFORM and Toned Muscle is a Lie, Build Muscle to Look Fit w/ Tara Garrison


  • Author Angel Luis Rivera Hernandez

There are four major strategies to keep in mind when it comes to getting ready to perform your best in the gym, whether it’s a regular training day or competition day. (Continued below)

(Video) - Toned trainer and author Tara Garrison lightweight, high reps doesn’t give you the results you may be hoping for. Mom of three shares tips about transforming your body at any age

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Protein as part of your pre-workout routine is often an overlooked component of performance nutrition, but adequate protein is vital for preventing the excessive breakdown of muscle fibers during exercise.

Through repetitions in strength training, stress and tension are put on muscle and their fibers, causing micro-tears. These are ultimately an important part of training as these tears create room for muscle repair and growth, which result in both muscle hypertrophy as well as improvements in strength. However, excessive muscle breakdown can mean that soreness sets in and muscle fibers are unable to repair at staggering rates.

Having protein as part of your pre-workout nutrient regimen means that you are providing muscle fibers with the building blocks to repair muscle quickly and efficiently, without excess damage being done. One of the most effective ways to do this is through the use of branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s). BCAA’s used prior and during exercise is one of the easiest and most effective ways to have proteins readily available for muscle recovery.

If consuming a whole protein source, such as meat, eggs, or dairy, aim to consume around 10-30 grams of protein about 60-90 minutes prior to the beginning of your workout. Since BCAA’s are already broken down in the simplest form of a protein, they can be consumed just before and during your workout while still being effective.


Carbohydrates are the primary fuel source for our muscles, and are therefore an integral part of pre-workout nutrient timing, but we need to take into consideration the type of carb being consumed in order to ensure it’s available for use when we need it during exercise.

Our muscles are fueled by sugar, namely glucose which is converted to glycogen and stored in our muscles and liver for energy. This is what allows our muscles to perform and function, especially when it comes to strength training.

Without adequate carb intake prior to a workout, you might notice that you “hit a wall” during your workout that you’re unable push through. You may also notice that you experience dizziness and early onset muscle fatigue. When a movement becomes impossible to complete due to muscle fatigue, it’s a sign that you’ve depleted the glycogen stores in that muscle group, preventing you from continuing to use those muscles.


For our purposes, there are two major types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.

Complex carbohydrates are those that contain fiber and starch, and therefore require a longer period of time in order to be digested and broken down to the glucose to be used by our cells and muscles. Some examples of complex carbs include:






Since these require some time to digest, these are best used as pre-workout energy when consumed between 1-2 hours prior to the start of your workout. While complex carbs may take longer to break down for energy, one of the benefits of using a complex carb for workout fuel is that they provide longer lasting, sustainable energy that will carry you through the duration of your workout.

Simple carbohydrates are those that contain more sugar than they do fiber, and will therefore breakdown over a faster period of time in order to be used as fuel in the body. Some examples of simple carbs include:


Simple Sugars

Processed Foods (typically high in sugar content)

Since these carbs don’t require as long to be digested for energy use, they are best consumed around 30 minutes prior to the beginning of your workout. While simple carbs provide quick energy, they are also short-lasting energy providers. They are usually not well-suited for longer workouts in particular.


As one of the foundational nutrients, water intake is crucial for optimal athletic performance. Water plays a crucial role in the movement of nutrients into cells for use (including sugar and muscles), provides lubrication and cushioning for joints, protects lungs from damage during aerobic exercise, and serves as the primary conductors between cells for nerve impulses.

In addition to water intake, electrolytes and a proper mineral imbalance should be considered to promote healthy water retention and ensure that the cells of the body are able to best utilize daily water intake. Without electrolytes, water can simply flush the system rather than be utilized by cells. Our cells rely on minerals and electrolytes to determine when a cell should absorb or release water. Low levels of electrolytes, such as sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium, can lead to hyponatremia (water intoxication) or prolonged dehydration despite adequate water intake on a daily basis.

To determine a baseline for daily water intake, take your body weight in pounds and divide it in half. This is the number of ounces you should be drinking daily in order to maintain adequate hydration levels.

In addition to water intake, you should be a regular electrolyte source in place to promote hydration. This might look like an electrolyte supplement in the form of a tablet dropped in your water or powder mix, or it might be using lemon and other citrus fruit juices squeezed into water as they contain a balanced amount of electrolytes naturally. You may also consider adding a pinch of sea salt to your water before and after your training to provide the body with adequate sodium, the body’s most important electrolyte, as well as replenishing any lost sodium stores through sweat loss.


Pre-workout supplements have become a popular part of pre-workout nutrition but are often unnecessary and provide a host of chemicals to the body that put more stress on the body than needed in order to complete a workout.

If using a pre-workout supplement, look for one that has as few ingredients as possible to avoid overloading your digestive system and creating a detox reaction. A clean per-workout supplements (like our's) offers a natural source of energy such as caffeine as a stimulant to create fresh blood flow to the brain when a pick-me-up is needed.


By implementing these four strategies and being aware of your nutrient timing prior to your workouts, you can drastically improve how you feel during your training, but also the strength, endurance, and recovery of your workouts to reach your athletic goals as efficiently as possible.

My name is Angel L Rivera Hernandez. I born in January 5, 1989. When I was in high school, I was invited to compete on NASA in Columbus, Ohio and I win first place. When I was homeless, I open my eyes and say to myself 'what I want to do with my life' so I started doing some changes.

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