Saturday, July 16, 2022

US Sports Training Camp Presented by CoachTube Featuring Basketball: 6 Points of Emphasis for a Successful 5 Out Offense


  • By Jaycob Ammerman

    In 2021, Oral Roberts became the second No. 15 seed ever to earn a spot in the Sweet 16. ORU's 5 Out System is one of the best in college basketball. 

    Per Synergy Sports, Oral Roberts is a top 15 offense once again this season.

    Russell Springman, ORU Assistant Coach, explains that one of the biggest keys of the offense is keeping it simple.

    He understands that having a few key points will drive the effectiveness of the offense compared to overcomplicating it with 100’s of points. 

    Here are 6 Points of Emphasis of a very successful 5 Out Offense that ORU and other coaches/organizations preach:

    #1 - Screener

    The screener had two jobs in regards to their set up: step away or looping under. 

    The second step for a screener is sprinting into the ball screen. The first 3 steps of the sprint is to create separation. The goal is to arrive alone. 

    The third step is the screening angle. ORU’s goal is to force defenders over the screen or put the player’s chest into the shoulder blade. 

    The last step is separation after the screen. The goal is to get away from the screen. 

    (Click on Image to Play Video)


    Link: Screener

    #2 - Ball Handler

    The ball handler has 4 keys in a pick and roll → starting point, setup, separation, score.

    The starting point is based on the ball handler’s shooting range and the coverage that the defense is playing.

    The ball handler’s setup consists of looking to reject the ball screen every time they get the opportunity. 

    He wants to explode off the screen to get separation between the drive and the screener. This will put the defense in a bad situation. 

    The ball handler is always looking to be a threat to score.


    Link: Ball Handler

    #3 - PG Pull Up

    The point guard pull up is a big key for Oral Robert’s offense because they have a guard that can shoot the basketball. 

    The PG Pull Up is designed so a team can be the aggressor. 

    If you have an open shot, take it. 

    The PG Pull Up is tough for any defense because it happens very quick.


    Link: PG Pull Up

    Oral Roberts 5 Out Offense is built on keeping it simple and letting the players hoop. 

    It is designed to have great spacing and an opportunity for each player to get great looks throughout the course of a game. 

    #4) “Why make ten passes if we can get exactly the same shot in transition?”

    Assuming you have a half-decent shooter on your team, you want them to take open shots from the three-point line. Whenever you have a player that can knock down threes, you want to put the ball in his hands. 

    Even though it is effective to run a bunch of sets, move the ball around for twenty seconds and find your wing or guard open on perimeter, a lot of times it is easier to get open for a three in transition. The game is changing, and players want to be the next Stephen Curry. We can hate it, or we can take advantage of it - IF they have the shooting ability.  

    Watch how the University of Memphis likes to get their shooters open in their 5 Out Offense with this breakdown from Cody Toppert, former Phoenix Suns Coach and current assistant for the University of Memphis (click on image to see clip)


    #5) The Post Game

    Yes, we do play 5 Out because we have players that like to play facing up the basket, but that does not mean we should completely shy away from getting the ball to the post. Especially, if the other team is not ready to guard back to the basket actions, you can throw in coule post plays and throw them off. 

    Watch how long time G-League coach Tanner Massey breaks down post special in 5 Out Offense.


    #6) 45 Cut and Timing

    As simple and obvious as cutting is in 5 Out Offense, we need to be able to teach it the right way and make sure players are cutting from the right angles at the right time.

    As Coach Jaycob Ammerman breaks down in the video below, it is absolutely crucial to cut at the right time, the cutter needs to be able to read the whole defense, as well as read where his defender is actually looking and whether he is or isn't anticipating the cut.


    As effective and simple can 5 Out Offense be, we as coaches need to always look for new actions we can add and allow our players to take advantage of their skillset. 

    Utilize these 6 concepts into your own game and continue to grow and get better!

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