Friday, June 10, 2022

Concealed Carry: Bill Allowing Armed School Teachers Heads to Gov. Dewine for Signature


by Matthew Maruster 

Democrats in the Nations House proposed an 8-bill gun-control package after an evil, deranged, 18-year-old killed 21 people in a school. The bills in the package called “Save Our Children” would disarm law-abiding citizens and give criminals who don’t follow laws greater power.

firearm training for teachers

The restrictive gun laws make the people more dependent on the government for protection. People with 24/7 armed security are making a powerful push to convince us of this.

Those of us who aren’t playing professional sport, haven’t starred in a movie, or are a politician, can’t afford security or a house in a gaited community. We commoners want to be self-reliant and we understand that the government is unwilling and incapable of protecting us. So thanks, but no thanks.

Allow Armed Teachers, Ohio HB99 —

House Bill 99 passed the Ohio House 56-34, and Senate 23-9, and now only waits for Governor Dewine’s signature. There are lots of rumors about what HB99 contains. Let’s look at the bill.

This bill does not force teachers to arm themselves. Opponents to allowing school staff the ability to defend themselves and the students mis-characterize bills like these. You can see this here in the Ohio Education Association President’s statement:

Asking teachers who are already overburdened to add more to their plate by serving in a dual role where they’re both responsible for educating children and now in some cases where this might be implemented for armed security in schools, we think is not really addressing the issue.

See how the assumption is that teachers don’t want the option to defend themselves or the lives of the kids? As if when a gunman comes into a school, a teacher’s chief concern is that they are really burdened with grading tests, not that they want to protect themselves and kids. Maybe police officers shouldn’t carry guns because they are already overburdened writing tickets and responding to emergency calls. It all makes sense if you don’t think about it. Keep reading.......

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