Sunday, March 20, 2022

US Sports Basketball: What You Need to Know About the 2 Side Break


  • By Lason Perkins
  • While there has been lots of discussion about half-court actions and offenses like 5 Out and Dribble Drive, you also hear a lot of coaches talking about playing with pace. 

    We know that analytics show the advantages of scoring in transition, but it leaves some unanswered questions coaches face such as

    What does pace mean exactly?  

    How do you teach it?  

    The pace concept has been linked to a transition offense system known as the 2 Side Break.  

    Yes, the 2 Side system was used by the Houston Rockets but it can be adopted to all levels of play. You can get layups and 3’s in this system, based on your talent level.

    Coaches such as Zak Boisvert have mentioned it in clinic presentations, but nothing has been produced that goes into greater detail.

    Thankfully, Brent Tipton has put together a clinic breakdown of this offensive system and is now available here.

    2 Side Transition: How To Trigger Offensive Advantage goes into detail discussing

    How 2 Side Transition impacts pace

    How to go Early and Opposite

    How to go Early and Up

    When to Dribble Push

    How Stretched Spacing Rules create multiple closeouts

    Incorporating 45 cuts and DHOs in transition

    Here is Coach Tipton showing examples of early and opposite ball movement and how it disrupts transition defense.

    One of the biggest advantages of this system is that it allows you to truly play positionless basketball. If you are a 5 Out coach, 2 Side Break is a perfect fit to get you right into your actions.

    These clips are talked from his clinic here where he dives deeper on 2 Side Transition: How to Trigger Offensive Advantage

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