Tuesday, March 29, 2022

3 Key Assists for Parents Considering Basketball Camps and the US High School Sports Show


  • Author Brett Rainbow
We have seen with our own eyes how basketball camps can help students reach their full potential in the game and help to raise confidence levels.
We strongly believe that the principals we teach in our camps are useful in other parts of the student's life. Not only will the confidence levels rise, but we also promote the benefits of teamwork and good sportsmanship. However, many parents sending their kids to a basketball camp may not understand the concept or have unrealistic ideas of what to expect. Here we will look at three key assists to help parents understand what the camp is all about. (Continued below.....)
  1. The Camp Needs to Fit the Kids Dream

We all want to see our kids excel in various aspects of their lives and this is natural for parents. However, attempting to coerce or convince a kid to attend a basketball camp is doomed to failure. It may be your dream to see your kid lift trophies, but if they are not into the idea, it will not happen. In fact, you could be setting your kid up for failure, and this could result in resentment later on. Make sure that your kid understands what the camp is about, show them some literature and let them decide for themselves. If they are truly interested, it will be hard to stop them going.

  1. Be a Parent, Not Another Coach

If your kid gets serious about their basketball efforts, they may have a club coach, a school coach, a skill development coach and a strength coach. The last thing they will need is another coach at home to give them even more coaching. This will get old fast, so it’s a good idea to be more of a cheerleader and supporter rather than a backseat coach. This is important during the wins and losses, try not to criticize and undermine the professional coaches that do this for a living. This is very hard for some parents to do, but your kid needs encouragement and support from you, not more coaching.

  1. Keep the Pressure to a Bare Minimum

Support and encouragement are extremely important, but adding more pressure is bad. If your kid is taller than the others at ten years old, they're likely to be better, but as the others catch up later, an early prospect could look like an also ran. Help your kid to reach their potential, but keep it humble and don’t try to build them up into something they may not be. This can be a great ego boost for them initially, but later it can hamper their efforts and cause them to lose interest in the game entirely.

If they are looking for Basketball camps Melbourne based parents and educators should get in touch with us here at Tomorrow’s Stars. Our coaches are dedicated to helping students improve their game skills and reach their full potential. This is a fun game, and it’s a great way to promote fitness, teamwork, and friendship. We have a large selection of activities to suit many levels of proficiency and fitness. Our team is standing by to discuss your needs in greater detail, and we will be delighted to answer any further questions that you may have.

If they are looking for Basketball camps Melbourne based parents and educators should get in touch with us here at Tomorrow’s Stars. https://tsbasketball.com/programs/private-training/

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