Saturday, January 15, 2022

US High School Basketball 3 Transition Offensive Drills to Play Fast and Yiğit Kuş Basketball Recruiting Video (Class of 2023)


3 Transition Offensive Drills to Play Fast

  • By Jaycob Ammerman

Seton Hall Head Women's basketball Coach Tony Bozzella is one of the best at pushing the tempo on offense.

He has led the Seton Hall women to two NCAA Tournaments and holds the best winning percentage in school history for women’s basketball. 

Playing fast looks like it would just be easy -- just go out and rebound and run.

Yiğit Kuş Basketball Recruiting Video (Class of 2023)

Coachtube and Tom Izzo

Of course we know that is not the case. Playing with a tempo consists of many details that go into a successful transition offense.

Coach Bozzella’s transition offense starts in practice. 

Here are 3 drills that Coach Bozzella believes will help make a better transition offensive team:

1) 2 Man Layups

The two man layups drill works on the small details of a transition offense.

In this workout, we are looking to work on jump stops, passing and running wide to score the basketball. 

The objective of the drill is to score 25 layups each side -- so 50 total in 2 minutes.

This will help create the proper pace and perfect trips up and down the court. 

This needs to be done precisely to be able to finish the drill on time. 

Watch the video demo here.....

2) Rebound - Outlet - Long Pass Drill 

The Rebound - Outlet - Long Pass drill is done to create good habits.

The habit of passing ahead and creating spacing are the key points to a good offense. 

Start on the baseline with 2 players wide on the corners ready to run around a cone full court on a missed shot.

The goal is to get between 142-150 points in 4 minutes.

Scoring of the game consists of: 1 point for layup, 2 points for 2’s, and 3 points for 3’s, and a team would lose a point on any missed layup.

Watch the video demo here......

3) Raptor Drill

The Raptor Drill is designed to put the offense in game-like situations where the offense is at an advantage.

It consists usually of a 4 on 3 drill or a 3 on 2 → 2 on 1 drill. 

Seton Hall’s philosophy is that they want to score in 8 seconds or less; therefore, they put 8 seconds on the shot clock for this drill.

Keep score -- and the loser will run after. 

Watch the video demo here......

A really good transition offensive team is a nightmare to guard. 

But, how do you practice it and implement it?

Coach Bozzella creates quick hitters that can improve your transition offense game in and game out.

This course is filled with concepts that will make your team better in the transition. 

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