Thursday, December 2, 2021

US Sports Football Nutrition Guide For Athletes 3 Levels Of High Caliber Highlights!

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Nutrition Guide For Athletes


It's a manual, containing the nutritional secrets to high-performance sports nutrition.

I wrote this manual to help young athletes, coaches and parents discover the ‘missing link’ between being a good athlete and being great. Book this course.......

That’s not to say that every great athlete eats perfectly. Some are just gifted and could eat anything and still be great by virtue of other natural talents. But 90% of athletes aren’t coming close to their potential...

“When You Learn How To Eat Correctly for Sports Performance You Will Train Better And Play Better... You Are Trying To Build Your Body Into An Athletic Machine!” 

Please remember that most young athletes are still growing. The nutritional demands that are placed on the body in this time of development demand increased attention to proper nutrition. This manual is going to make it easy for you...

The Coach

Play Sports TV presents Coach Steve Preston.  Steve has trained, taught and coached well over 10,000 athletes and students for over 20 years. His athletes have ranged from 6 year old rookies to the NFL. Steve has a Master of Science and Bachelor’s of Science in Physical Education.  He is also a Youth Fitness Specialist. Book this course.....

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