Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Play Action is a Cheat Code! - 5 Play Action Concepts to Increase Your Expected Points and US Football Featuring a Stud RB Our of LA and CFL Conference Final Action

Play Action is a Cheat Code! - 5 Play Action Concepts to Increase Your Expected Points

One of the most interesting sessions at the C.O.O.L. Clinic was presented by Pro Football Focus.  In a segment of the presentation, the effect of play action was covered and Steve Palazzolo emphasized it by saying “Play Action is a Cheat Code.”  He shared some key numbers that prove that statement.

The impact that play action has on pass production is undeniable. It alleviates pressure rate. It adds to expected points added per play as well as yards per attempt, and done on early downs it creates a massive advantage.

This week's Gridiron extravaganza is powered by CoachTube.

Check out Onside Kick Every Time with Coach Kevin Kelley on this week's video.
Find the full Onside Kick Every Time video here - -


#1 Regardless of your pass concept create the “Sell”

Tennessee Titans Offensive Line Coach Keith Carter explained exactly how the Titans create a powerful play action game with the offensive line.  As he explains in the video, these coaching points create the look, feel and sound of run:


#2 Post and Cross

DePauw Head Coach Brett Dietz has created a high powered offense at D3 DePauw University.  In this video he explains one of his favorite concepts which he utilizes off of the inside zone:


#3 Vertical Switch

Olentangy HS head coach Mark Solis has had success wherever he’s been, and play action has been a big part of their offense.  Here he explains how they create big play opportunity off of sweep action:


#4 Post Dig

Union College Head Coach Jeff Behrman likes utilizing the Post-Dig concept to find voids in the defense for big chunks of yardage. Here is Poker-Dagger off of a Mid Zone action.


#5 Three Level Flood

Shawn Liotta likes to create a three level stretch to stress the defense.  Off of jet sweep action, defenders are stressed in having run fit responsibilities on the perimeter thus leaving them short in defending the pass.  He illustrates it here.

In watching how offense has evolved, play action seems to have taken a back seat to RPO, but an offense can exist with both.  As PPF illustrates, having play action can provide the cheat code for your offense, so be sure to take advantage of it!

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