Sunday, December 5, 2021

Concealed Carry: Complacency and Firearms, a Dangerous Combination


Complacency and Firearms, a Dangerous Combination

Chances are, you have heard someone say, ‘complacency kills!' But this statement isn't meant for us to take literally… right? Well, I actually think complacency can lead to tragic outcomes. Therefore, we should guard against it in all aspects of our lives.

risk assesment

Complacency is common:

Complacency is insidious and creeps up without us recognizing it. Because we rationalize our actions, we often won't acknowledge our lack of attention until after a mishap. Only then do we say, “how could I have done that? I know better.”

S4E16: JUSTIFIED SAVES - Texas Custody and Florida Road Rage Shootings

It's all about risk assessment:

You don't have to know anything about firearms to know there is an inherent risk in handling them. However, correctly assessing the risk associated with firearms is what prevents mishaps.dangerous instruction

Several influences cause someone to misunderstand the risk associated with their actions. I'm not going to go into each one, as this post focuses explicitly on combatting the dangerous complacent mindset. However, here are some of these factors:

  1. Complacency (autopilot error)
  2. Underestimating the potential danger (flat out ignorance to the actual associated risks)
  3. Overestimating ability (Dunning-Kruger effect)
  4. The reality of failure (1st or 2nd hand experience to the danger is powerful)
  5. I know best (convincing ourselves what we are doing is safe)
  6. Lemming mentality (others do it, and nothing bad happened to them)

Where does complacency begin:

I've used firearms as a profession for close to 25 years. I don't know.....Read more.......

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