Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The ACC On US Sports Net Featuring: Navy vs. Louisville Condensed Game | 2021-22 ACC Men’s Basketball


The Louisville Cardinals took care of Navy, 77-60. A balanced Louisville attack was led by Matt Cross’ 14 points. Samuell Williamson scored 13, Noah Locke chipped in 12 points and Jae’Lyn Withers had 11 points for the Cardinals in the win.
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Master Softball

Repeat after me: Shooting is about practice, practice, practice

Watch some of the best shooters in the game of basketball, and it becomes pretty evident that the way they shoot is a systematic approach that never, ever changes.

If you’ve been playing basketball for a few years, chances are you’ve been taught the proper way to shoot a basketball. You know – triple-threat stance, dominant hand under the basketball, elbow in, eyes on the target, etc. But the ability to shoot a basketball well doesn’t just come to a player overnight, and it doesn’t occur the split second a player develops the proper shooting technique.

Proper shooting becomes an art form and, like many things in this world, requires plenty of practice in order to master. When the end result is finally reached, however, shooting a basketball can be compared to riding a bicycle – no matter how often a player gets on a court, the muscle memory is there and the skill, though it may get rusty, can’t be unlearned. 

Practicing your shot is the best way to develop the repetition that is needed to build up proper shooting habits. The reality of the game is this: as a player’s body develops, her shooting technique will change. It’s roughly when a player hits middle school that the necessary muscles for repetitive shooting start to take shape. But a player is never too young to get a feel for the style of shooting on a 10-foot rim. 

These are some very easy ways for a player to get the hang of a consistent shot by constantly repeating the process:

Don’t have a basketball hoop? Not a problem. All you need is a basketball and an open space with a wall (where you won’t annoy anyone when the basketball hits the wall).

Starting from up close, pick a point on the wall about 10 feet high – a certain brick, a spot on the surface, anything – and use your shooting technique to try to hit that spot over and over again. Always keep your eyes on the target and make sure that your shooting hand guides the ball to where you intend for it to go. Even though it’s a flat surface, the fact that you can command the ball to any point helps when you step out on the court and have an actual hoop through which to shoot.

Corner-to-corner shooting is a great way to get moving out on a court, which can develop your shot from much more than a standstill. If you can get access to a court and a rebounder, this is perfect. Stand on one baseline about 15 feet out with the rebounder under the basket. Shoot the ball, quickly move up to the elbow (the corner of the free-throw line), and get ready for the pass from the rebounder. Next, move to the center of the free-throw line, then the other, and then the opposite baseline. Get as many shots up as you want from all over the court. This drill requires a much more “game-action” shot style.

The key to a good shot, like anything else, is practice, practice, practice.

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