Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tactical PE Presents: Why This Krav Maga Self-Defense Class Is 60% Women Get Empowered!


Why This Krav Maga Self-Defense Class Is 60% Women from Refinery29 Channel

Revolutionary Tactical Strength and Conditioning Program Provides A Simple Bodyweight-Training Blueprint to Help You Gain Strength, Boost Power, and Rebuild Your Body

World’s Greatest Military Operators and Law Enforcement Professionals Reveal the Secret Bodyweight-Only Training System Used By Elite Tactical Athletes

TO: Military Operators, Law Enforcement Professionals, and Prepared Citizens Serious About Building Tactical Muscle

RE: Special Report by Joseph Arangio, Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach

Dear Tactical Athlete:

If you can keep an open mind, and if you would like to boost strength, improve endurance, increase power, and become a complete tactical athlete, then taking some time to read this groundbreaking report may prove to be the most efficient 15 minutes of your entire week, month or year. Get empowered today! 

The information I'll share right here and now could rebuild your body, as it has helped countless law enforcement officers and military operators. More importantly, what I’m about to reveal may save your life and the lives of others.

I’ll share the latest research on tactical strength and conditioning plus the real-life success stories of several world-class tactical experts.

So grab a pencil or pen to take notes, turn off your cell phone, find a quiet place, and do whatever else you need to give me your undivided attention. Because if you're as serious as I think you are about building tactical muscle, boosting power, and improving endurance then I promise it will be worth the time you invest over the next few minutes.

“Over twenty years ago I was in a place called Mogadishu, Somalia for this whole ‘Black Hawk Down’ deal.

Back in the day, pushups, situps and a two-mile run was the US Army’s way of measuring physical fitness. And we did that test because it was an Army requirement.

But the PT test we used for our team was more mission-specific. It included a weighted rope climb, dips, pullups, a shuttle run, a two-mile run, and a ruck run. These are the tactical bodyweight exercises that mimic the demands of a real mission.

I’ve never been in a gunfight and thought, ‘I should have done more bench presses.’

Nowadays, when I step on the range with a bunch of people that carry a gun for a living, I want them to have the functional physical fitness, combat mindset, and firearm skills to do their job.”

Sergeant Major Kyle E. Lamb (retired)
Tactical trainer, SOF veteran, President of Viking Tactics

If you’re working hard in the gym and not building tactical muscle, you’re wasting time AND money. This program should be mandated physical education for all law abiding citizens! Men, women, and children.

You see, military and law enforcement agencies are spending serious money on preventable injuries and disability.

According to Thor Eells, Cmdr Colorado Springs Police department in Colorado, his department averaged one back surgery per year. Since implementing a formal tactical strength and conditioning program, his department hasn’t had a back injury in four years......Keep reading......

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