Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Sacred Warrior and SALVATION FOR HERE AND NOW



We live in a confused and hopeless world. Most people have no concept of the word “salvation” outside of a vague religious notion that refers to what happens when we die and go to heaven.

However, because of what Jesus did on the cross, salvation is actually available to us now, not later. God wants to save us from the present—not the future—evil world.

Many people know about God without actually having a personal relationship with Him. Getting to know Him reveals that He wants to have an impact on our lives right now, with no waiting necessary. Too many people think salvation only applies in the hereafter; it’s actually relevant and significant to us every day. By His grace we’re saved through faith; this comes as a gift from God.

We could never earn our own salvation—it comes through our belief in Christ. Salvation ensures that heaven is our final destination, but it starts immediately. It means that God has forgiven us of our past sins so that we can forgive ourselves, that the healing available on every level is ours to lay hold of, and that the peace of mind that God intends for us to have is waiting for us to receive by faith. It all comes by Jesus, and there is salvation in no one else.

Salvation is a package deal and we begin receiving some of those benefits right away. Getting born again and making Christ our Lord and Savior changes our lives radically. Thanking Him for what He did on the cross and refusing to forget all His benefits positions us to receive forgiveness, mercy, deliverance from death, lives filled with good things, and renewed youth. Understanding just what we have as believers gives us hope to share with others who desperately need it.


Lord, everything we need to enjoy the life You want us to have is available to us right now. Your Son shed His blood and died to redeem us and offer us salvation. We’re thankful for that. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Galatians 1:4

Ephesians 2:8

Acts 16:30, 31

Acts 4:12

Psalm 103:1-5, NLT

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