Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Hidden Epidemic- Interview with Dr. Thomas Levy and When should we take a child to the dentist?


  • Author Laura Smith

The dental health of a child is also very important and that every parent should take into account. Although many will wonder when is the ideal time to take children to the dentist. In this article we are going to talk about when children should go to the dentist. In fact, it is not common for many children to go to the dentist until they are 10 or 12 years old for the first time, and actually dental associations recommend that children be taken to the dentist as soon as their first teeth appear.

This usually occurs by six months of age. Although it can wait until your first birthday to have your baby's first teeth checked. Yes, babies can also and it is advisable to go to the dentist, since, in this way, the dentist can check that there is nothing abnormal in the appearance of the teeth. Also, if you notice anything that looks abnormal in your child's mouth (white spots, lesions, bleeding, etc.), make an appointment right away.

Why start taking a child to the dentist so early?

In fact, according to studies, tooth decay affects almost 1 in 5 children under 5 years of age. By detecting any condition a child has early, the dentist will be able to diagnose and treat it effectively and prevent problems in the future. In this way, they will do everything possible to ensure that your child can have healthy teeth and mouth for life. Your pediatric dentist will be able to check for cavities, injuries, and other problems during your visit, and will be able to review the changes that occur in the mouth as your child grows.

Choosing a pediatric dentist

You may be able to take your child to their personal and trusted dentist, but there are several reasons to go to a pediatric dentist. Pediatric dentists are specialized in the evolution and growth of children's teeth, and they will be able to make this experience more bearable, as it can be scary for many children.

Pediatric dentists also have a specially prepared space for examining children. In addition, the rooms are adequate, and the décor of the examination room should also be attractive to young people, such as brightly coloured décor and attractive murals. Games, magazines or comics are also important for children in waiting rooms.

Children's gums can be washed from the first year of age. But it is also important to know that children should not use fluoride toothpaste until they are at least two or three years old, as it can lead to fluorosis. This is fluoride can cause tooth staining, discoloration and, in serious ways, can even create holes in your teeth. Having a gum cleaning routine will get your child used to a dental routine very early and will help your baby feel more comfortable on his first visit to the dentist.

The first visit to the dentist

During the first visit of your baby or child to the dentist, a routine exam will be performed where they will examine for cavities and check the gums, jaw and bite of the child, it is also very important to check that there are no problems such as the frenulum or other problems that may affect teeth or speech patterns. A cleaning of the gums of the child or the baby can also be done.

Most dentists recommend going to routine appointments at least twice a year to follow the evolution of the child's teeth. At Idiáquez Dental Polyclinics ( http://www.policlinicadentalidiaquez.com/) they will be able to review and recommend the best treatments for children and advise you on any questions. Many children often develop cavities in their early years, even when they are 5 or 6 years old, and this requires routine check-ups. This is why a visit to the dentist is so important.

I am a content writer for a SEO Company in London and actually writing for different websites.

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