Monday, April 5, 2021

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Precious Death and THE THANKFUL CHRISTIAN


Growing up, most of us have heard the phrase, “Count your blessings.” We may not have paid much attention to it, but this is actually great advice for a successful life.

Most people take for granted all the good things that happen in their lives; however, nothing just shows up by accident. God has a master plan for each of us, and it’s overwhelmingly good. (Continued below......)

(....Continued.......)Pausing for a moment to make a list of all the good things we have goes a long way in shaping a good attitude. It’s hard to be sour when we think about the things God has done for us, even when we didn’t deserve them. Every good and perfect gift is from above and comes from the Father of lights, with whom there is no shadow of turning. God always gives us good things, never anything bad; the more we meditate on this, the more grateful we become.

Even when trouble hits, God’s will is for us to give thanks in everything. A positive attitude gives us great power. We’ve been given the freedom to make our own choices; choosing to give thanks to God puts us in authority over any bad situation that arises.

God directs His undeserved, unearned favor toward us because He loves us dearly, no matter what we do. When life feels like a struggle and we feel discouraged, accepting this gift lifts our spirits and gives us a reason to be thankful. We’re spiritual beings living in physical bodies; letting the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with our spirits puts everything in a whole new light.

In this spiritually noisy and distracting world, it’s easy to forget what’s really important. Our souls are where we make our decisions; telling our souls to bless the Lord and not to forget any of His benefits keeps us in remembrance of what He has already done, and what He continues to do for us. This keeps us thankful.


Lord, You continually give us countless blessings because You love us. Meditating on what You teach us concerning thankfulness reminds us of the power we have by choosing grateful attitudes. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Jeremiah 29:11, NLT

James 1:17

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Philippians 4:23, NIV

Philemon 1:25

Psalm 103:2

For more on the power of giving thanks, click on the link to find the DVD, Thankfulness: The Fuel to Faith, in our eStore.

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