Monday, March 15, 2021

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with FireFlight



from CDM

Common sense tells us that we simply waste our time trying to do something ourselves that was done long ago, and done perfectly. This translates directly to the finished works of Jesus Christ.

If we don’t understand what Jesus did for us on the cross, we can spend our entire lives trying to get something that was made available to us two thousand years ago. We spare ourselves needless self-effort if we understand how the covenant of grace, which His death put into force, impacts our lives.  

The three words Jesus uttered, “It is finished,” still carry great power to this day. Whether we need healing, deliverance from trouble, forgiveness, prosperity, peace of mind, or anything else that accompanies a successful life, we don’t have to struggle on our own to experience it. It’s already done; all that’s left for us to do now is to believe we’ve already received it.

This is critically important for believers to understand. When we got born again, we moved from the natural realm, in which there are many limitations to what we can claim, to the supernatural, where there are no limitations. We moved from being children in bondage to our own works to children living in the freedom of Jesus’ works.

We don’t have to beg God to do something He’s already done; as His children, we can instead thank and praise Him. The emphasis has shifted from performing to believing; this is evidenced by the requirements for laying hold of eternal life. Before Jesus’ death, His answer to the rich young ruler was to keep the commandments; after His resurrection, Paul and Silas revealed that all that was necessary was to believe in Jesus.

We’re saved through our faith in God’s grace. Despite all our sins, we’re made right with Him through faith in Christ. This is true for everyone who believes it. God’s favor has given us everything we need for an awesome life; our trust in Him connects us to it all. 


God, we could never do all that’s required of us through our own efforts; therefore, Jesus did it all, and did it perfectly, on our behalf. Our faith in this positions us to receive all the blessings You want us to enjoy. Thank You for what You did. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


John 19:30

Galatians 4:31, AMPC

Matthew 19:16-19

Acts 16:27-31

Ephesians 2:8

Romans 3:22-24, NLT

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