Thursday, March 4, 2021

HPV Vaccine Side Effects - Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Using Supplements In The Fight Against HPV


Using Supplements In The Fight Against HPV

  • Author David Tal

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) sufferers or those at risk, now have a more natural alternative in the fight against and in protection from the disease – a welcome announcement for women and girls the world over.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny joins us to share more about HPV vaccine side effects and carcinogens found in vaccines.

The Indian Institute of Toxicology Research Council of Scientific and Industrial Research have released findings that Green and Black Tea Polyphenols (GTP & BTP) are strong allies in the fight against HPV and cervical cancer as they kill the cells that create these diseases within the body. The authors of the study say "tea polyphenols exhibit anti-cancer potential against cervical cancer by inhibition of cell growth and induction of apoptosis (programmed cell death)." In layman's terms, the properties of the tea make harmful HPV-positive cervical cancers cells destroy themselves before becoming cancerous.

With reports by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention that 26.8% of American girls and women between the ages of 14-59 are suffering from the disease, the HPV preventative vaccine has gained popularity – by doctors and in the media – yet usage of this vaccine remains low owing to the publicized risks, which include nausea, paralysis and even death. In addition, the vaccine is only available to girls of and under the age of 26.

This new study introduces a whole new alternative for all those at risk – however, drinking the tea is not effective as heating the tea destroys the inner properties which are needed to fight cancer and HPV. Supplements such as Gene-Eden contain enough traces of the necessary tea polyphenols to be used effectively and efficiently both as a preventative measure, and during recovery from either disease. Gene-Eden is an anti-viral dietary supplement, developed on the basis of extensive research. It consists of proven natural ingredients with strong anti-viral properties to fight against most of the viruses during their chronic and latent phase.

While fighting disease, these natural supplements do not carry nasty side effects and offer a natural and far more affordable option to the vaccine; enabling girls and women to take the supplements regularly and rest assured that they are receiving the highest possible antiviral care.

For more information on Gene-Eden, go to

Gene-Eden is available on


The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD, is a research center recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. The mission of the CBCD is to advance the research on the biology of chronic diseases, and to accelerate the discovery of treatments for these diseases. The CBCD published the "Purple" book by Dr. Hanan Polansky. The book presents Dr. Polansky’s highly acclaimed scientific theory of the relationship between the DNA of latent (chronic) viruses and the onset of chronic diseases. Dr. Polansky’s book can be freely downloaded from the CBCD website.


Tal Davidson

Phone: 585-200-5546


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