Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth! And Church Growth - Why 98% Of Pastors Have NO Church Growth

Church Growth - Why 98% Of Pastors Have NO Church Growth

  • Author Earl Hall

Most pastors have ministries that are stuck, struggling, or just not growing fast enough. The average size church in the United States is only between 60-75 active members. This is due to just a few core things being done incorrectly or simply not at all. There are just a few core things about church growth that if done right, will change the course of a stagnated ministry. (Continued below.......)

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(.....Continued......)Most seminaries around the world do an outstanding job of educating preachers, pastors, and Christian leaders to the understanding and application of scripture. What they do not do is really give newly ordained members of clergy a solid foundation of how to grow a ministry. Most pastors worldwide rely on leadership staff to come up with church growth plans that will work. The simple fact is that most of them do not even know where to begin. They have no solid plan of church growth that has been proven to work. In essence...there is a lot of guess work going on.

In order to achieve successful church growth there are a 5 things you must know;

  • What is your unique gift
  • How do you position yourself as an authority in that area
  • How do you attract ONLY those people into your ministry that WANT what you offer
  • What is the decision making process of those people
  • How do you inspire them to work, give financially, and never leave your ministry

Technology plays a huge role in church growth in the 21st century. One of the great new services that is out there can be found at The core strategy involved at Church Growth is working 1-On-1 with all of its members. There are many different church growth DVD's, eBooks, websites, etc. that are out there. None of them have a core program that will literally work 1-On-1 with you to develop a measurable plan of church growth.

At you can get an assessment of your current ministry, your church growth plan, and vision goals. This assessment is done at no cost. You will walk away with a great idea of why you are where you are and ultimately how to get exactly where you have the vision for your ministry to be. we show pastors the exact process to grow a church, increase revenue, and realize their vision

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