Saturday, January 2, 2021

Merry Heart: Was Jesus Insane? Ha-He-He-He! And THE LINK BETWEEN OUR BELIEFS AND OUR WORKS




Sometimes, the best way to demonstrate what we say we believe is by taking action. Belief that’s strong enough mobilizes us. This is how we show that our faith is genuine. The world uses phrases like, “Actions speak louder than words” and “Talk is cheap;” God gives us the same message, although He words it a bit differently.

It takes courage to step out in faith, but God provides us with the ability to do that. It does us no good to say we have faith if we don’t follow it up with works. Faith without works is dead. Most people don’t understand acts of faith; however, as Christians, having a solid grasp of this spiritual principle allows us to live successfully.

Under the Law of Moses, faith wasn’t necessary, only works. Although we’re now living under grace, we still see the same mindset today. We’re certainly justified by our faith in Christ, without the deeds of the law. However, those around us will never understand the power of our faith unless we do something tangible to make it evident and real to them. (Continued below.......)

The Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine series is the perfect way to introduce your family and friends to the joy of knowing Jesus. Each volume is filled with humorous and heart-touching sermon illustrations that everyone will enjoy. Information: visit

(....Continued.....)All throughout the Bible, we see examples of how faith inspired action. Noah built the ark in faith; Abraham set out on a long journey in faith; Moses led the children of Israel through the wilderness by faith. Others also did extraordinary deeds because their faith gave them the courage to act.

Faith is needed, first, in order to persevere in anything; doing something we don’t believe in won’t last long. Spending time with Jesus, the way the apostles did, builds up our faith. Paul’s encounter with Jesus after His death and resurrection inspired such a strong faith in Paul that he immediately began preaching the Gospel of Grace and willingly endured much persecution. By themselves, empty works don’t amount to anything—only when motivated by authentic faith do they take on any real power. 


Father God, thank You for teaching us about how our faith inspires our works. Your Word clarifies the link between what we believe and what we do. We’re grateful for this. In Jesus’ name, amen.


James 2:14, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26

Romans 3:28  

Hebrews 11:7-9, 17-38

Acts 9:3-20


For more on how our faith in Christ enables us to do things we can’t do through our own efforts, click on the link for the two-message series, How to Experience the Supernatural Power of God.

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