Friday, December 4, 2020

TOP 5 Ways you can secure your property or home from invasion or burglars and Video Leak Police Body Cam: Intense Deputies Responses to Home Invasion In Progress. Volusia Sheriff


TOP 5 Ways you can secure your property or home from invasion or burglars

  • Author Jennifer Yakin

TOP 5 Ways you can secure your property or home

Home security is a must for all households and properties.

There has been a rise in crime.

So what is the most effective way of securing your property. Here we have a list of the top 5 ways of securing your property

Number 5 Get a guard dog

Burglars or intruders are usually instantly put of by barking by a dog. For them it is not worth the hassle of getting bitten or attacked when they simply can move on to the next one. Downsides of owning a guard dog, it can be time consuming and costly to maintain. Also there is no guarantee that this will work


Deputies Rescue Tied-Up Adults and a Child, Unhurt, Hiding Inside
Volusia sheriff’s detectives are investigating a Deltona home invasion that occurred Saturday night in which several armed, masked suspects entered a home and tied up several adult victims, while a child hid undetected inside a locked bedroom. Learn more.....

Number 4 Join a neighbourhood watch scheme

These are excellent schemes run by the local community, where each neighbour would look after the street or your property, if something does happen, responses will be fast and your neighbours will be more vigilant naturally. Downsides to this, is again there is no guarantee your neighbours will be able to spot anything or be able to prevent an event from happening.

Number 3 Reinforce your locks and windows

A well reinforced lock and window could definitely prevent a burglar or intruder from coming in. Physical security can deter common or amateur thieves. However there is always worry whether the lock you are getting is good quality. There is always a weakness in any type of lock which can be bypassed by any thief with the right knowledge

Number 2 Install a Alarm System

Provides 24/7 security and peace of mind when you leave the property. Modern alarm systems are even able to notify you and the police automatically via automated voice calls and text messages. Most alarm security systems use a motion detection method that can detect movements in your property when armed. The downside is that there is no video proof of the intruder.

Number 1 Install a CCTV system

CCTV systems can now be integrated with its own alarm and notification systems. The great thing about CCTV security surveillance systems is that they are able to provide video evidence for the police. CCTV systems now have Smartphone viewing over an internet connection. So you can keep a visual eye over all of your property when away from the property. Learn more about CCTV security systems.....

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