Friday, December 25, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Tourniquet and BEING A GENEROUS GIVER



The act of giving is something the world doesn’t understand. A willingness to give generously is an important part of being a powerful and influential Christian. Giving with the right attitude demonstrates selflessness the way Jesus modeled it during His earthly ministry.  Financial giving is uncomfortable for people trapped by worldly influences; however, the knowledge of how God’s grace toward us affects our finances enables us to give joyfully and without reservations.

There’s a mistaken notion floating around that says when we give, we get blessed. The truth is that because of the finished works of Jesus, we’ve already been blessed. Believers understand this; we give out of gratitude and thanksgiving, with the aim of blessing others the way God has blessed us. We could never outgive God; He so loved the world that He gave the most expensive gift heaven had—His only begotten Son.

The amount of our financial gifts matters less than the spirit in which they’re given; a joyful, thankful heart is the main prerequisite for the type of giving that pleases God. Each of us must give as we’ve decided in our hearts, not reluctantly or grudgingly, because He loves a cheerful giver. Relying on God in every area of our lives, including in our finances, lets Him abundantly bless us. The blessing of the Lord makes us rich, with no sorrow added to it.

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It’s God’s will that we’re generously supplied with all we need, so that we can be the light of the world and stand out from the crowd in every way. Because we’ve received freely from Him, we can freely give to others. A lack of understanding of this principle makes people afraid to give. Applying this principle to our financial giving makes God’s Word on it resonate with others.

Christians are servants, just as Jesus was on earth. Sowing into others’ lives demonstrates the heart of a servant. Giving is a powerful form of ministry to others.


Lord, one of the things Your Son did was \teach on money and financial giving. Your Word in this area shows us how to give so we can bless and minister to others. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.


John 3:16

2 Corinthians 9:7

Proverbs 10:22

Matthew 5:14

Matthew 10:8

For more on how generous financial giving with the right frame of mind enriches all aspects of our lives, click on the link for the midi-book, Help! I’m Afraid to Give.

The Rock Almighty! Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Coming Soon To US Sports Radio!

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