Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven & Earth! Featuring TSO, Narnia, Joe Public and REAL LIFE TRANSFORMATION FROM CDM


We are always Thankful for you our loyal viewers and Brothers and Sisters in Christ! May God richly bless you this Christmas season and beyond. 
On this week's show enjoy the coolest classic Christ-centered rock from Narnia, Stryper, The Trans-Siberian Orchestra and more. 
Speaking of classic, enjoy a stirring sermon excerpt from the great Robert Spurgeon and one of the funniest men in the church today; Marcus Wiley. 


Daily life gives us plenty of issues to struggle with that can get the best of us. Whether or not they defeat us depends on how we think. We may have learned negative ways of thinking that don’t do us any good, and wonder why we can’t succeed in life. To make any progress, we first need to change our attitudes and mental outlook to agree with God’s Word.

God loves us just as we are and He welcomes us with all our emotional baggage, but He wants to transform us for the better. He does this through the help of the Holy Spirit, who teaches us how to rightly divide the Word of truth. Real change begins on the inside and works its way out. We’re transformed by renewing our minds; this opens us up to discover the good and perfect will of God concerning us.

We don’t ever have to wonder what God’s will is for our lives; it’s overwhelmingly good. The thoughts He thinks toward us are thoughts of peace, not evil, to give us hope and a future. Agreeing with God lets Him start cleaning out all the unproductive thought processes we’ve learned from the world and replacing them with more successful ways of thinking.

We learn right-believing according to His Word by studying and meditating on it, and asking the Holy Spirit to help us properly apply it to whatever situation we’re facing. This is far better than trying to figure everything out ourselves. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace, and the helper Jesus promised to send us. He teaches us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not to lean on our own understanding; acknowledging Him in all our ways allows Him to direct our paths in the process of our transformation.    

There’s no need to struggle alone. We can’t possibly stay the same when we trust God to change us. Relying on Him always gives us amazing results.         


Father God, You gave us the Holy Spirit as a guide to help us change for the better. Positive transformation is only possible with His assistance. We’re grateful for this. In Jesus’ name, amen.


2 Timothy 2:15

Romans 12:2

Jeremiah 29:11, NKJV

John 15:26, NKJV

John 16:7, NKJV

Proverbs 3:5, 6

For more on how God changes us, click on the link to find the minibook, Grace for Transformation, in our eStore.

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