Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship Featuring: WHITECROSS and An Open Letter to Religious Leaders

An Open Letter to Religious Leaders

  • Author June Stepansky

Primitive groups millions of year ago began religious practices in response to their fear of the unknown and often terrifying world in which they lived, and to try to understand the mysterious forces of the universe which surrounded them and impacted their lives.

In the ensuing centuries, a great variety of religions appeared. There were some that worshiped the sun and the moon. Their were some that called for human sacrifices. There were some that worshiped a large number of deities and some that worshiped only one. Many of these religions no longer exist as part of our lives and have been replaced by more modern versions.

Although all religions have at their core a moral, spiritual and social base, the history of the interaction between religious groups from earliest centuries until the present has been one of intolerance, violence and bloodshed.

We are now at a time in world history that calls for more tolerance and dialogue , because man’s weaponry can now easily poison and destroy our world. Religious leaders of all religions must come together to recognize what common bonds they share and emphasize those bonds of family, honesty, social unity etc. which are part of all religions. Religious leaders must insist that their followers allow freedom of worship to all religions and freedom from coercion to conform to any particular value system. They must emphasize the separation of church and state in all countries. The goal is that every person have freedom to worship as their conscience dictates in a country which is tolerant and respects all rights.

Religious leaders have enormous power to change the world into one of cooperation and harmony, if they choose.

Isn't that the goal of all loving human beings?

June Stepansky is a writer and poet who writes books and articles about happiness, self-improvement and social and political issues--adifferentvoice@live.com

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