Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: 31 Ways to Naturally Detox (Part 1) | The Truth About Cancer Present Health Nuggets

 In today’s world, people are increasingly aware of toxins. These can include everything from germs and mold to artificial chemicals in our food and water. Fortunately, you can fight these toxins by boosting your body’s detoxification pathways. In this brief video, we’ll teach you 15 ways to detoxify your body naturally.

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  7 Daily Habits You Can Do Every Day to Be Healthy

Without realizing it, your daily habits have the ability to make or break you. The outcome of your life start with the basics, and that includes your daily habits and your lifestyle. By choosing to focus on the wrong habits, you give power to all the wrong things. With this being said, the following are 7 healthy habits you can have in your everyday life:

  1. Eat healthier

The food you choose to consume can affect you just like any other aspect. If you keep on eating the wrong food, this can be dangerous to your health and provoke certain illnesses and diseases. For instance, if you keep eating meat but avoid vegetables and fruits, this isn't a healthy diet. By eating healthy, this means a balanced diet of protein, vegetables and fruits, nutrition, carbohydrates and fiber.

"The mind and body are not separate. What affects one, affects the other." ~ Gracious Quotes

  1. Have a healthy sleep schedule

If you're constantly sleep deprived or have a habit to over-sleep, this isn't good for you either. If you lack sleep, this causes you to lose focus and attention-span. On the other hand, over-sleeping makes you lose your productivity and the time you would have spent on work. By having a healthier sleep schedule, this improves your energy, mood and focus for the day.

  1. Exercise daily

Regular exercise isn't just proven to improve your overall mood, but it maintains your health and well-being. By engaging in exercise, you're taking proper care of your health and your body. Furthermore, you get to improve your heart condition and build endurance and strength in the process.

  1. Drink water constantly

Various diseases are caused by dehydration, which makes water as the ultimate cure to avoid illnesses. The recommendable intake is 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, no matter what you have planned for your day. Whether you're going out, doing work, or staying at home, drink as much water as you can.

  1. Never skip a meal

Even as you're trying to lose weight, don't ever skip a meal. This is unhealthy and may trigger diseases in your colon, which is why always take your breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you're on a diet, lower your food intake but still take a bite.

  1. Avoid having coffee before meals

Caffeine is one of the fastest way to become acidic and can cause acid reflux. A lot of people make the mistake of taking their coffee in the morning before having breakfast, which can cause you serious problems in the future.

  1. Meditate

Even if it isn't directly related to your body, this has everything to do with your mental health. We're always constantly thinking of things- all at once, This can be an unhealthy habit, which is why meditation is the best way to break that habit. By focusing on your breathing and taking a break from all your thoughts, you get a healthier mind which in return, gives you a healthier heart. It may seem like a basic habit, but it's much more than it seems.

For more healthy tips and inspiration, check out these inspiring health quotes and detox quotes. Jeremiah is a curious creature with an extra dosage of introversion blood. An avid pursuer of anything fun yet instinctively retreating to solitary confinement more than he wishes to.

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