Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with White Heart


If you’ve ever felt guilty because you were struggling with a particular sin but couldn’t seem to conquer it, God has some good news for you. We often hear from other believers that we should die to sin; but it can seem like the harder we try not to commit a particular sin, the more we become trapped in it. We won’t succeed by relying on our own efforts to stop sinning, but we will have victory when we realize that we don’t have to try to do something that’s already been done. Jesus overcame sin when He died and was resurrected and, when we’re in Him, we can, too.
It’s important to remember that there is a difference between sin and sinning; and when we’re in Christ, even when we commit a sin, we’re no longer sinners. When we became born again, our old, sinful nature died, and God planted His own nature inside us. Because our identity has changed, we won’t want to keep sinning like we used to. Although the power of sin overcomes others in the world, the power of Christ makes us strong enough to resist it.
Dying to sin is a one-time event, and it happens the moment the Holy Spirit comes to live in us and change our lives forever. Religion may tell us we have to keep repeating the process, but that mindset is based on works, not on grace. We must not let the world’s philosophies lead us away from the truth. The key to being delivered from sinful ways of thinking is to renew our minds by consistently studying the Word of God.
This renewal is a gradual process, and it will take the rest of our lives. Little by little, we discover new and deeper levels of God’s favor toward us. Jesus did everything that will ever need to be done to defeat sin and give us the same type of life that He has. This knowledge gives us a victory that comes only from Him.
Without Your Son, Lord, we would be enslaved to sin and unable to break its powerful hold on us. However, because of what Jesus did, we have authority over it. Thank You for what You did to free us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Romans 6:1-7, 15-18
1 John 4:4
Galatians 2:20
Romans 12:2
Ephesians 4:23
For more on how grace eradicates sin and changes us from sinners to the righteous children of God, click on the link for the single message, Grace-Based Holiness.

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