Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Watchmen

Having Faith in God’s Grace 

From CDM

The grace of God has always been around, although in these last days it has become visible to a much greater degree than ever before. The Gospel of Grace is being preached on a global level, and the devil hates it because we’re now seeing radical manifestations of God’s righteousness everywhere. The enemy fights against those manifestations by planting seeds of doubt in our minds about who we are in Christ once we’re born again. Doubt is the number one enemy to God’s favor, and we must use our faith to accept and believe the truth.
When we’re in Christ, we are no longer sinners. Being under grace instead of under the Law of Moses means we’re no longer subject to the ministration of condemnation. We’re now operating according to the ministration of righteousness. Even when we sin, our identity isn’t based on what we do, but on what Jesus already did.
The devil, who is the god of this world, will try everything he can think of to keep us from studying our Bible. We must stand firm against his lies, because regular study of the Scriptures reveals who we are in Christ. The steady beat of the world’s message is that what God tells us isn’t really true—we aren’t saved after all and we’re still sinners. But studying the Bible is like looking into a mirror and seeing who we truly are, and we’re reminded again about our righteous identity in Jesus.
We’ve seen an increase of evil in the world, but we’re also seeing a corresponding increase in miracles and supernatural occurrences. Things that we can’t explain logically are happening all around us because God is reaffirming His presence, and we can give Him the credit for it. We’re encouraged in the knowledge that grace is greater than sin and evil. We win when our faith in God’s unmerited favor isn’t shaken, no matter what!
Lord, Your overwhelming favor toward us changes us from condemned sinners to Your holy and righteous people. When we believe Your Word of grace, we can live successfully and victoriously because of our identity in You. We’re thankful for this.  In Jesus’ name, amen.
2 Corinthians 3:7-11
1 John 4:4
James 1:22-25
Psalm 118:23
Romans 5:20
For more on how grace and faith go together, click on the link for the three-message series, How Your Faith Works With Grace.

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