Monday, August 24, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship With Carman

In Today's Video:
 Illustration of Man's Life | The True Purpose of Life
What is the true purpose of life? Why do I need to live?
Produced by City Harvest AG Church, Bangalore, India.

Our Turn Now by Carman
Get more of Carman @ Amazon Music

Receiving Restoration through Christ

For some of us, the word “restoration” brings to mind the process of repairing a crumbling, ruined building to its former glory. Restoration in a spiritual sense is similar, only on a much broader scale. Satan does his best to damage and destroy us by robbing us of things that are valuable to us. The turning point comes when we give our hurts and pains to God, who restores everything that’s been stolen from us.

The enemy wants to rob us of everything good that we have; however, we don’t have to put up with that. When the devil afflicted the children of Israel, God promised to restore to them all the years the locust, the cankerworm, the caterpillar, and the palmerworm had eaten. He made sure their vats were overflowing with wine and oil, and they had plenty to eat. When we trust in Christ, He restores our health and heals our wounds, emotionally and spiritually.

The devil’s job is to take away our peace and joy, and replace it guilt and shame. The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been in our current situation; the man that Jesus met at the pool of Bethesda had been afflicted for thirty-eight years, but Jesus immediately restored his health. When we encounter God’s grace, rising up and moving forward brings restoration.    

Our salvation doesn’t depend on our good behavior. This is a lie that steals the joy God gave us. God restores to us the joy of our salvation. We’re saved not because of what we do, but because of our faith in what Jesus did.

When we’ve lost all hope, God’s unmerited favor revives us. He brings turnaround just when we need it. We’re ruined edifices without Jesus. He restores us to something even greater and more beautiful than before; meditating on this makes us joyful and thankful. 


Lord, we all struggle without You. Our lives are broken and have many missing pieces until You restore them. Thank you for turning the ugly and painful things into beautiful and wonderful things. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Joel 2:24, 25

Jeremiah 30:17

John 10:10

John 5:2-9

Psalm 51:12

For more on how Jesus restores power—and everything else the devil stole—back to the believer, click on the link for the three-message series, Restoration of Power.

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