Sunday, August 2, 2020

Silenced Frontline Doctors Hold Capitol Hill Press Conference to Challenge Big Tech and The role of emotional intelligence in business after pandemic

The role of emotional intelligence in business after pandemic

  • Author Hasan Ahmad
In current pandemic situation, emotional intelligence performs most crucial role for success. The role on emotional intelligence in business at pandemic situation is very crucial for sustainable your business or job.
Most of the employees, businessman unknown as emotional intelligence. They don’t know how emotional intelligence works for career and success. In stay or permanently in a job, we need to know emotional intelligence as well as why it is important in a job for personal success. In real world, it has play vital role in exploring business opportunity and its own to achieve success in life. After pandemic, to survive in your workplace, you need emotional intelligence mindset.

“EI need for workplace performance and career success and even employee health which was once thought to be a function of one’s intelligent quotient (IQ), are, in fact, the corollary to one’s emotional intelligence.”(Greg Okhifun)
An example to verify employee EQ, the candidate should be dependable. He or she should have experience and education in the area of the job he or she will be doing. The interviewee should be a quick learner and should work well on a team with a growth mindset.
Hence, this is also related to emotional reasoning and understanding in response to the people, environment, business, and circumstances one encounters in his or her day-to-day life
The question that, what exactly is emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is the ability of a person that is to identify, understand, recognize, and manage his or her emotions in positive ways to reduce stress, and influence the emotions of those around others. The emotional Intelligence Quotient is the measure of that ability. It helps you to build relationship, succeed at work, and achieve your personal and career goals.
The father of modern emotional intelligence ‘Daniel Goleman’ says it has five core components. It involves self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. What can we say emotional intelligence is? According to psychologist Howard Gardner’s classifications offer some insight:
Interpersonal Intelligence – Detecting and responding to others’ moods, motivations, desires.
Intrapersonal Intelligence – Being self-aware and attuned with values, beliefs, and thinking.
Why need understanding emotional intelligence in business?
Understanding emotional intelligence on personal success for your career. In COVID-19 Situation, if you do not identify your emotions and other emotions, you will not survive in an organization after the pandemic. There are many more things needs for remaining your job or business by understanding emotional intelligence. Such a vital point in understanding emotional intelligence:
• To identify a business opportunity.
• To evaluate an idea and assess the market.
• To leverage experiments to validate concepts and refine your business strategy.
• To understand the process of raising capital and how to speak to investors.
• To manage your emotions and other emotions.
• To increase work performance.
• To improve productivity for career success.
• To reduce workplace employee's stress.
Core competencies for better work performance
Competency is the combination of knowledge, skills, habit, attitude, ability and positive mindset. It’s your personal abilities that makes you separating from others people. In this competitive market, you cannot survive and do not cope with changing world. Competencies are important for better work performance. Including of the following:
 Ensuring organizational success
 Enhancing employee contribution, performance
 Measuring job responsibilities and organizational citizenship behaviors, such as communication, teamwork and collaboration
 Illustrating two important factors: how well you perform your job and how well you perform your job in a team environment.
Advantages of Using Competencies for workplace:
A business organization will experience many benefits when it implements effective competency management programs for workplace, including the following two points of view. One is for manager’s point of view and another is for employee’s point of view.
For managers:
Clarify standards of performance for easier communication of expectations to direct reports. Provide foundation for dialogue with employee about performance, development, and career related issues. Identify performance criteria to improve the accuracy and ease of observing, discussing and evaluating performance.
For employees:
Criteria required to be successful in the job are identified and described. Provide foundation for dialogue with supervisor about performance, development, and career related issues. Identify specific areas for professional development and/or improvement, career goals.
This is Hasan Ahmad. I live in Bangladesh. Currently, I work in Brand Executive position a Training and Consulting farm which name's Future Icon. I am an undergraduate student at Department of Management Studies at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University. It is a public university located in Gopalganj, Bangladesh. Gmail ID:, website:

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