Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Stryper

Trusting Money vs. Trusting God

From CDM

Money is something we can all relate to, and it’s a basic necessity in life. The world tells us that the more of it we have, the better our lives will be. However, this message traps us into chasing after wealth while becoming progressively more miserable and unhappy. When it comes down to the basics, we must decide whether to trust in money or in God.

We’ve all had situations when we heard clear directions from God after praying about an issue we were struggling with. We may have wondered where the money would come from to put things in motion, and pulled back in fear when we didn’t see it immediately forthcoming. However, God never tells us to do something without providing the means to succeed in it. He supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Hearing from God requires that we step out in faith, even when it looks like the money just isn’t there. We mustn’t be fooled; His grace has made available to us everything we need in life—including physical wealth. Believing this positions us to receive from Him. Out of God’s abundance we’ve all been supplied with one grace after another, and gift heaped upon gift.
Abraham, known for his great faith, trusted whatever God told him; he ultimately became very rich in cattle, silver, and gold. Conversely, when Jesus had the conversation with the rich young ruler, the young man’s response to Jesus indicated that he trusted more in his wealth than in God. There’s nothing wrong with having money, but loving it more than God leads to great sorrow.
God wants to bless us, financially as well as in all other areas. Our faith in this brings forth manifestations of the riches of His grace. Relying on Him makes us rich in peace, joy, and everything else that makes life worth living.
Lord, You gave us biblical instructions on how to handle money and maintain a right relationship with it because You know how greatly it can influence us. We can trust in You, and not in unreliable worldly possessions, to give us exactly what we need for an abundant, prosperous life. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Philippians 4:19
John 1:16, AMPC
Genesis 13:2
Mark 10:17-22
1 Timothy 6:10
Ephesians 1:7
For more on how placing more trust in God than in money affects our finances and every other area in life, click on the link for the DVD, Trusting God with Your Finances.

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