Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Rachel Rachel

Receiving Undeserved Righteousness from CDM

The word “righteous” is widely misunderstood, and the world often refers to it in terms of being self-righteous. Righteousness is defined as excellent, virtuous, and ethical; however, if we attempted to be this way through our own efforts, we would fail miserably. Jesus Christ makes us this way, not because of anything we could ever accomplish, but because of what He did on the cross.

Righteousness is a gift we receive from Him by faith when we realize that He’s our foundation.
Understanding who we are in Christ brings us to an understanding that righteousness isn’t about what we deserve; it’s about receiving it by His grace. Basing our identity in Jesus gives us a solid foundation that can never be shaken, moved, or destroyed. God is a God of abundance; because of who He is, when we receive righteousness, we also receive wisdom, sanctification, redemption, and other spiritual gifts. These are things for which we can’t take the credit.
Our righteousness is based on our unwavering belief and trust in Jesus, to the point where we don’t rely on our intellectual understanding. There will be times when faith departs from earthly knowledge, but this type of knowledge shifts and changes constantly. True wisdom is a gift from God, in whom is no shadow of turning.
Our actions could never justify us in God’s sight. The just live by faith in Christ; therefore, our faith actually makes us the righteousness of God. Studying His Word, as expressed through the Gospel of Grace, and acting on it makes us like wise men who build their house on solid rock to withstand the storms of life when they hit. Trusting in Him gives us strength and stability that the world simply doesn’t have.
Father God, You gave us Your own righteousness, which is based on what Your Son did on the cross. This frees us from the burdensome requirements of our self-efforts to perform until we are “good enough.” Thank You for this. In Jesus’ name, amen.
1 Corinthians 3:11
Isaiah 28:16, NLT
1 Corinthians 1:30, 31
James 1:17
Galatians 3:11
Romans 1:17
Hebrews 10:38
Matthew 7:24, 25
For more on how faith in Christ makes us righteous in God’s eyes even when we feel we don’t deserve it, click on the link for the DVD, Righteousness Without Works.

The Rock Almighty! Shaker Of Heaven and Earth. Coming soon to US Sports Radio!

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