Friday, June 12, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Mad at the World

Claiming Healing for Ourselves From CDM

In this imperfect world, the prospect of sickness and disease is always lurking, and that prospect terrifies many people. Sickness is real, and many of us have seen individuals who live in fear of it. But God’s ability to heal is also real, and more than one doctor can testify to that. When we know His will in this area concerning us, we need not be afraid of any disease.

On the physical level, the fear and stress from a bad diagnosis can aggravate the condition. This is why being at peace is so important to the healing process. There is a strong connection between the mind and the body, and we open ourselves up to God’s healing power when we grant Him authority over our thoughts.
When illness strikes, we see plenty of confusion among people who don’t know the Word of God about healing. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, much of His work involved healing men, women, and children. A mistaken mindset causes some people to question whether it’s really God’s will for them to be healthy, but Jesus forcefully addressed that when He healed the leper. When the man came to Jesus and told Him He could heal him if He was willing, Jesus answered, “I am willing. Be healed!”
God’s favor offers us healing, but we must accept it for ourselves by faith. An unwavering belief in what Jesus did on the cross to obtain healing for us is required. We do what is necessary to take care of any health issues that may surface, but it’s essential that we maintain our peace of mind while we get better. God, the Great Physician, has already healed us.
Lord, You sent us grace in the form of Your Son to bring us peace and healing on every level. Your love is better than any salve or balm on earth; faith is all we need to receive health and wholeness. In Jesus’ name, thank You for what You did. Amen.
Isaiah 26:3
Jeremiah 17:14
Psalm 41:3
Matthew 8:2, 3, NLT
1 Peter 2:24
John 14:27
Philippians 4:7
Matthew 9:12
Mark 2:17
For more on how faith in what Christ did for us allows us to receive healing, click on the link for the MP3, How to Take Possession of Your Healing.

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