Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Dr. Eric Berg Featuring: Is Your Urine Smelling Like Burnt Popcorn?

So, your urine smells like burnt popcorn—why is this happening, and is it bad? Find out.

I recently had a question from someone wondering why their urine smells like burnt popcorn. Let’s cover why this could happen.

A strong urine odor that’s similar to burnt popcorn could mean that you’re making a lot of ketones. You’re not making too many to put you in ketoacidosis. But, you’re making a high amount, which is also concentrated. 

 This typically happens after a person has been fasting for 16-20 hours. You may especially have smelly urine when you first wake up in the morning because your urine is more concentrated.  If your urine smells like popcorn, this is not necessarily a bad thing. It could just mean that you’re in some pretty hard-core ketosis. It means that what you’re doing is working. 

You can even test your urine or blood to really see this.  
What you can do: 
1. Adjust your protein (you may be consuming too much protein)  
2. Adjust your fluids (consume more fluids)

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