Friday, May 29, 2020

The Truth About Vaccines Featuring: BREAKING: Donald J. Trump to Sign Executive Order to STOP Social Media Censorship!

Join Charlene as she shares this BREAKING NEWS: President Donald J. Trump to Sign Executive Order to STOP Social Media Censorship! This is GREAT news!

What is Herd Immunity and Why Should I Care?

You will also hear about how Charlene is working behind the scenes with a team of experts that are working to support President Trump on the censorship problem as well as ensuring our medical freedoms. She goes into 3 examples of medical tyranny and why we are fighting for your right to choose your own medical treatments and so much more!

Big Pharma vs. Natural Cures

  • Author Charles Elliot
No, I’m not a doctor. But I have spent years researching alternative products that can promote the prevention and healing of health issues. My research is not just theoretical or whatever I can find on the Internet. I have actually ingested countless supplements in an effort to find out what works and what doesn’t.
For example, during the past 50 years, American people have been sold a bill of goods when it comes to cholesterol. Our bodies produce this substance, without which we could not live. Our obsession with cholesterol goes all the way back to the Framingham study which was flawed. Heart attacks and strokes were blamed squarely on cholesterol when the real culprit has been and continues to be chronic inflammation. But Big Pharma, sensing its chance to make billions of dollars, found a way to synthesize Red Yeast Rice, which they called Statins. Today, doctors have millions of people on statins, most of whom simply don’t need them. And the side effects can be nasty.
Instead, I concentrate on fighting chronic inflammation by using curcumin (which is the active ingredient in turmeric). Curcumin does wonders for your heart, brain, joints and digestive system. Most important, it fights the silent inflammation in your arteries which causes very small particles of cholesterol and calcium to stick to the walls of those arteries. (There is a test to determine if you even have those very small particles of cholesterol). Although few people have them, everyone should protect their arteries from chronic inflammation which can cause heart attacks and strokes by making sure to take two soft gets containing 1,330 mg of curcumin per day with meals, which, as I mentioned, is found in turmeric root extract.
For all of those individuals still doing as they’re told by taking statins, CoQ10 is a must. Keep in mind, CoQ10 is in every cell in our bodies. It is especially abundant in our hearts. CoQ10 is also the fuel that ignites the energy centers of our cells called mitochondria. Our energy, stamina and heart strength depend on significant levels of CoQ10. And to make the CoQ10 even more effective, add 20 mg of BioPerine Black Pepper Extract. Since we all lose more and more CoQ10 as we age, and since statins destroy CoQ10 (I bet your doctor didn’t tell you that crucial information when he handed you the prescription), taking CoQ10 is vital to protect our health.
If anyone is still worried about cholesterol, take the natural Red Yeast Rice supplement instead of the synthetic statins. And don’t forget to take curcumin and CoQ10 daily.

I am a lifelong student of natural vitamins and supplements. I have made a study of the natural cures vs. what we are told by the
pharmaceutical companies. I am a recognized lay authority in this field.

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