Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Leaderdogs for the Blind

Undeserved Favor in our Lives 

From CDM

It’s unrealistic to think we can go through our entire lives without making any bad choices. We all slip and fall from time to time on our Christian walk and, left to ourselves, we would eventually be overcome by guilt and condemnation. Without Jesus, that’s an uncomfortable thought, but accepting His unconditional love and acceptance brightens our prospects. When we feel we deserve punishment for a mistake we made, He gives us what we don’t deserve.
The world “keeps score” each time we make a mistake; it tallies up the number of times we’ve done something wrong. Buying into this mindset can fool us into thinking we’re unlovable, but God’s way of thinking is the exact opposite. Trusting Him enough to turn over every aspect of our lives to Him positions us to receive grace. In the Old Testament, Noah found favor despite making mistakes like everyone else; this favor is still available to us today.
Trying to perform according to the world’s standards is like running on a treadmill. We can’t ever do enough to fulfill all the requirements set before us, but Jesus eliminates all the work and self-effort the world insists is necessary. Developing a relationship with Him releases us from the bondage of shame and guilt. He gave His very life to demonstrate this supernatural grace and forgiveness.

We don’t have to wait until we get to heaven to experience favor; God wants to radically impact our lives right now, regardless of what we’ve done in the past. We don’t deserve abundant prosperity in every area of our lives, but He makes it available to us anyway. We don’t deserve peace and joy in tough times, or the ability to overcome situations that defeat others, but He offers those to us as well. Such is the nature of grace!
Lord, even when I make bad choices, Your love for me will never fail. You have promised that You’ll never leave me, no matter what. At times when others point out my mistakes and I struggle with guilt, Your forgiveness calls me back to You. When I have trouble forgiving myself, Your grace tells me I’m already forgiven. Thank You for Your amazing love. Amen.
John 3:16
Genesis 6:8
Matthew 11:28-30
Luke 23:34
John 10:10
For more on how God wants to heap favor onto us even when we don’t deserve it, click on the link for the two-message series, Favor is On My Side.

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