Sunday, May 31, 2020

BBcom Featuring: At-Home Kettlebell Workout | Mike Hildebrandt and Quarantine? Training in small spaces never more important

Start your journey toward becoming a complete athlete with this beginner kettlebell workout from Mike Hildebrandt. 
► Beginner Kettlebell Workouts: 
► BodyFit Training Programs: 
► Shop Bodybuilding Signature Supplements:

| Ready for Anything Volume 1: Beginner Kettlebell Workouts | 
You'll alternate strength and conditioning workouts three times a week, along with some simple active recovery like walking on two other days. No matter how much you have going on, you can do these workouts! Use this plan for quick and effective total-body training and find a new level of fitness!

 | Premium Workout App | 
In the BodyFit app, you can track your workouts and the weights you use, as well as time your rest periods. Not sure how to do some of the exercises? Don't worry; each one comes with an in-depth demonstration and explanation video showing how to perform it correctly!

Quarantine? Training in small spaces never more important

  • Author Alexandre Sato
Quarantine? Training in small spaces never so important
With the loss of our physical training routines - social situations of a regular exercise class, walking, running and training with friends - the lack of these, has been one of the stresses imposed by the restrictions of COVID-19. However, maintaining, or possibly increasing, your level of physical activity seems even more important than usual in the face of this new corona virus. Even though we don't know how training and exercise can affect the fight against this particular virus, we know that regular physical activity stimulates the immune system in a moderate way. There are studies that show that a moderate to high daily training can strengthen the immune system. Therefore, a strong immune system can help combat the effects of viral diseases.
So, exercising daily brings several benefits to all systems of the body, from bones, muscles, heart and lungs to the brain. It is worth mentioning that it increases insulin sensitivity and decreases stress hormones, which further helps the body to fight diseases. Exercise helps people manage anxiety and depression. Even a single exercise can help to remove concerns, fears, anxieties and boredom due to quarantine.
But how can you train in a confined space and without access to your usual machines or exercise classes?
Be flexible and less rigid
Moving your exercise to your home in a trusted space may require some frustration for not being able to maintain the same pace of training as: weight training, aerobic, functional and other sports. In this age of Corona virus, be more flexible in your choice of exercise and less rigid in maintaining previous habits. Keep in mind that:
The change can be good for the body. Perhaps your usual activity is weight training, yoga, Pilate's, indoor cycling or functional training ground. Your body is used to the muscles worked and the intensity of this activity. Varying your choice of exercise reduces boredom and decreases your chance of miscalculate injury due to repetitive movements. You can also develop new muscle groups.
Your muscles are indifferent. Muscles don't know and don't even care what kind of workout clothes you're wearing, what space you're in, or what kind of music you're playing. Your muscles are highly adaptable. That is, if you apply a new series of exercises, increase the repetition in doing squats, your muscles will become stronger to allow you to meet the new requirement. And you can do this even in a very small area. Less weight and more repetitions, concentrating the maximum each repetition of each exercise, will make your muscle expand differently.
Do exercises using your body weight as: push-ups, barbells, squats, yoga poses, Pilate's among many others.
It is also very valid to practice balance training, try to challenge your standing balance and perform a balance work and develop new muscle groups
Make a new exercise routine at home
Here are four ways to change your exercise routine during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Use on-line exercises, if possible in a group with friends. After all, it is important to socialize while training and doing new types of exercises. Look for different types of exercises to perform at home that are available on the Internet
Consider taking live exercise classes on-line, if your gym and / or personal is teaching on-line. This adds a little social connection (ask a friend to join, so you can see him in class). In addition, for many of us, making an appointment for a live class will improve compliance compared to on-demand videos, which can be watched - or avoided - at any time of the day.
Get out. One of the few excuses for leaving home, besides getting food and medicine, is to exercise. Exposure to nature is particularly beneficial in combating the depression of relying on the home.
Try something new, at home, have fun. If you have never felt comfortable taking part in a Zumba or dance class, this may be your opportunity to try it out at home with no one around. You can choose to turn off your camera (at least until you get the moves).
Do not worry, if you are not going to the gym to lose strength or muscle volume, because muscles have "memory" and very soon everything will be back to normal.
Keep a healthy diet, as in this difficult time it is risky to go on crazy diets to lose weight. Always consult a nutritionist and check if you need food supplements and / or vitamins if necessary. Health is the most important thing now.

I am graduated in Administration and Marketing, I live in the State of São Paulo and I am 42 years old.
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