Saturday, April 11, 2020

Will Orr MIF ~ Baseball Recruiting Video ~ Class of 2021 Presented on US Sports Net by Game Planner Pro

6'0" 194lbs
 Fuquay-Varina HS
 (3.5 GPA)
Fuquay-Varina, NC
Attention Coaches and Recruiters: Please refer to any contact information on this video to contact this student-athlete, coach, or parents. US Sports Net has little to no direct contact with the student-athletes profiled. 


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Body Transformation: Dustin Is Determined To Get Big Or Dye Mirin'! From BBcom.

Dustin used college baseball conditioning as a lifting launch pad. See how Steve Cook's Big Man On Campus Trainer helped Dustin build 39 pounds of muscle!

Why I decided to transform

I decided to transform when I arrived at college my freshman year. I was taller than the average guy, but as I looked around, I couldn't find anyone as skinny as me. Up to that point, I hardly ever picked up weights, and when I did, I didn't know what I was doing.
Fall conditioning for baseball was coming up and I knew I was going to be in trouble. I was extremely nervous and by far the weakest guy there on the first day. During the next month, I gave it my all and looked forward to lifting even though I was embarrassed at my weakness. I was determined to get bigger and stronger.
I was known as the skinny kid who ate a lot growing up and was always asked where it all went. I thought I would never gain weight, but I managed to gain two pounds during the month of fall conditioning. Muscle or not, I was motivated.

When fall workouts ended, I was addicted to lifting. As a college athlete, I knew working out would help my physique and performance on the field, so I committed to transform my body. I started following Steve Cook's Big Man On Campus daily workout plan from the day after conditioning, which was 18 months ago, and haven't looked back.

Before /// 140 lbs
After /// 179 lbs
AGE 18 / HEIGHT 6'3" / BODY FAT 8%
AGE 19 / HEIGHT 6'3" / BODY FAT 10%

How I accomplished my goals

I haven't accomplished all of my goals yet, but I'm proud of the progress I made in a short amount of time. The biggest key to my success is consistency. I made the gym a priority and own the place when I walk through the door. I don't care what people think or why they stare at me.
I noticed an unreal edge on the field because of my increased strength. I'm happy with the current state of my body, but I won't stop pushing forward. My transformation has been an experiment of trial and error. I learned so much and will always know what it takes to stay in shape and what advice to give others so they can do the same. served as a large tool for my success. I followed several trainers on the site and order my supplements from the company. Steve Cook is my inspiration as a person and competitor. Jeff Seid and Zyzz follow shortly behind Steve and represent the ideal physique I'm shooting for.

What aspect challenged me the most

Dieting challenged me most. I'm not a morning person, so it took awhile to get breakfast in check. Cutting out small things like soda are tough at first, but after a month I forgot they existed. I haven't had a sip of soda in two years.

My future fitness plans

I don't have any plans to compete because I'm nowhere near ready, but I might one day. I just enjoying lifting and can't ever see myself stopping. Lifting helped me as an athlete tremendously. It would be cool to compete and be sponsored one day, but that would come after my athletic career.

"Don't go by what the scale says. There are many factors that can be misleading."

Suggestions for aspiring transformers

  • Attitude is everything and helps you overcome slow progress.
  • Don't go by what the scale says. There are many factors that can be misleading.
  • Create a routine and stick to it.
  • Get a gym partner who's stronger than you and can push you.

How helped me reach my goals got me started and provided endless information to aid my journey. I read articles and got lost in the site for hours at a time. The daily online trainers are great and I got my friends hooked on them. I purchase my supplements on and the customer service is second to none.

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