Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Police Activity On US Sports Net Presented By Tactical P.E. Featuring: LAPD Cop Shooing Woman Armed With A Knife

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) ** Los Angeles, California — On February 21, 2020, around 1:29 a.m., Southeast Patrol officers, on loan to 77th Division, responded to a radio call of unknown trouble.

The female caller was requesting police at 78th Street and South Hoover Street. Upon their arrival, the officers encountered a female seated between two parked vehicles and attempted to ascertain if she was the source of the radio call. The female, later identified as Dorothy Kolen, was not fully engaging the officers in conversation, so the officers requested further information from Communications Division. As the officers were speaking to Kolen, one officer attempted to assist her to a standing position. When the officer held Kolen's arm, she pulled away and produced a kitchen knife with an approximate eight-inch blade. As the officers were backing away from Kolen, she walked towards them, armed with the knife, and an Officer Involved Shooting (OIS) occurred. 

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 Kolen was struck by gunfire and transported by Los Angeles Fire Department Paramedics to Harbor UCLA Hospital, where she underwent surgery for her injuries. Kolen was later transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and absentee booked for Assault with a Deadly Weapon (ADW) on a police officer. No officers were injured during the incident and a knife was recovered at scene. The officer involved in this OIS has been identified as Police Officer II Cecilia Molina, Serial No. 43054, assigned to Southeast Division. LAPD's specialized Force Investigation Division (FID) responded to the scene and began interviewing witnesses and collecting forensic evidence. A representative from the Office of the Inspector General and the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, Justice System Integrity Division also responded and monitored the investigation. 

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  1. How to recognize an SbC incident
    SbC incidents should be handled differently from other
    types of calls, in order to protect everyone’s safety.
    Indicators of a possible SbC incident:
    • The subject says “kill me” or “shoot me” or otherwise
    expresses a wish to die.
    • The subject appears to be depressed or in a mental
    health crisis.
    • The subject is not behaving like a criminal
    offender. For example, the subject does not
    attempt to leave the scene.

  2. Step 2. Officers should be aware that pointing a gun at
    a potentially suicidal person will increase his or her
    anxiety and exacerbate the situation.
    Pointing a firearm elevates the subject’s level of anxiety
    and can make it impossible to communicate with the
    person. “If an officer says, ‘I’m here to help you,” but is
    pointing a firearm at the suicidal person, it’s conflicting
    messages. And people will always believe the nonverbal
    message,” said police psychologist Dr. John Nicoletti.

  3. So this is the one of the reasons people hate cops because that's all they do is shoot people they don't do what they were trained to do SO FUCK THE LAPD AND THAT COP THAT SHOT THAT WOMEN YOU EVIL BITCH WHAT WAS TH AT WOMEN GOING TO DO THROW IT AT YOU GOD DOESNT LIKE EVIL YOU KNOW WHATS NEXT

    1. And of course people in today's climate are going to hate cops. When they have to make split second, life threatening/altering decisions. While I neither condone or condemn this cop's actions, this is one of the main reasons why I am encouraging every law-abiding man, woman, and child on Earth be tactically trained. Who knows somebody in this woman's family, friends or neighbors could have stopped this long before the police got involved. I appreciate your comments.

  4. Didn't seem like any attempt was made to de-escalate the situation, even after she was shot, they left her on the pavement to bleed out, didn't try to give first aid...

    1. It could have been handled better by the officer. We need our cops, fire, military to be better trained to understand how to de-escalate.
