Friday, April 17, 2020

BBcom on US Sports Net Featuring: Jacked At-Home Strength Workout | Mike Hildebrandt

Trainer Mike is here you help you get those gains even if you are stuck at home. Try this Muscle-Building Jacked At-Home workout. 
► Try Jacked at Home: Bodyweight Muscle-Building workouts: ► BodyFit Training Programs: 
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| Jacked at Home: Bodyweight Muscle-Building Workouts | 
Get to know the classics in a whole new way. This no-weight workout program designed by elite strength and muscle coach Paul Carter will build muscle and strength using timeless exercises, but in tough protocols that will test you—and help you hold onto gains while at home. Especially if you've been in the gym for years, some time with these intense no-equipment workouts could absolutely give your muscles a new stimulus to grow. 

 | Full-Body Workouts You Can do at Home | 
Lunges. Push-ups. Squats. Pull-ups. Think you're too advanced for them? Think again. Many of us have been guilty of skipping these movements at worst, or giving them half-effort at best. By the end of these four weeks, you'll be well-acquainted with them—and how doing them for high reps can give your body a serious muscular and conditioning push.

 | Flexible Programming for Muscle Growth | 
This program uses high-rep sets, chip-away sets, and sets to failure to help you get the biggest muscle-building stimulus out of bodyweight exercises. And once you're done, you can use the Training Guidelines to help you find new movements to keep moving forward.

 | Premium Workout App | Make the most of this program by detailing your progress along the way! In the BodyFit app, you can track the weights you use and time your rest periods. You even get a discount on supplements to make sure you maximize the pump through the entire program.

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