Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Barren Cross


Growing up, many of us automatically went to our parents to make requests, get help, and ask for advice and guidance. Our conversations were based on our close, loving relationship with them. When we consider that God loves us so much He’s willing to adopt us as His own children, we should make it a priority to relate to Him in the same way. We can draw closer to our heavenly Father through frequent conversations with Him.

Through His grace, God made a way for us to run to Him, not just when we struggle, but whenever we just want to talk. His Word breaks down the essence and purpose of prayer for us. When we communicate with Him, believing that He’ll answer us, we always receive what we request in His name.
God is always talking to us, but we don’t always listen. If we’re distracted and not attuned to His voice, it’s easy to get confused. Sometimes what seems right isn’t in our best interest. Without consulting Him, we can walk right into trouble.
Just as there are different types of conversations, there is more than one way to talk to God. When we can’t find the words to express what’s in our hearts, He enables us to pray in the spirit. We can pray by meditating on the Scriptures, or even directly with our hearts and minds without saying a single word. God has chosen to keep the lines of communication open between Him and us because of His favor toward us, and it’s up to us to do the same.
Dear Lord, You’ve made a way for us to have personal conversations with You at any time, with no appointment necessary. Your grace allows us to come to You in prayer and speak to You about anything that’s on our hearts and minds. Thank You for this awesome opportunity. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Matthew 7:7-11
Luke 11:9-13
Proverbs 14:12
Ephesians 6:18
Psalm 5:1, 2
Psalm 19:14
For more on how prayer based on the finished works of Jesus Christ establishes a supernatural link between us and God, click on the link for the two DVD-series, The Purpose and Essence of Prayer.

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