Thursday, March 12, 2020

National Arena League On US Sports Net Presented by BBcom Jacksonville Sharks Turf Talk Episode 1

How Can You Improve Your Football Performance? From BBcom

Injuries in football can arise in the blink of an eye so it is important to be fully prepared for playing the sport. Get information about improving performance, ideas about drills and improving the diet. Check it out!

TOPIC: How Can You Improve Your Football Performance?
The Question:
Football is one mean sport. A serious injury could arise in the blink of an eye. It̢۪s important to be fully prepared to play football. Long hard days of practice need to be completed to be prepared for the adventures of the football sport.
How can you improve your football performance? Be specific.
What are some key drills to run?
What type of diet is good for a football player?
Bonus Question: For the average guy, about how much training do you think is necessary until they can be in "football condition?"
Show off your knowledge to the world!
The Winners:
      1st place - 75 in store credit.

1st Place - PolPow53
Football is one mean sport. A serious injury could arise in the blink of an eye. It's important to be fully prepared to play football. Long hard days of practice need to be completed to be prepared for the adventures of the football sport.

How Can You Improve Your Football Performance?

Football is a diverse sport, and because of this diversity, the most important facet of football preparation is balance, figuratively of course, yet literal balance training is important as well.
Too many football players have an obsession. Now some may say, "Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated," yet this obsession is blind, if you will. A receiver may get it ingrained in his mind that without a sub 4.5 40 time, he will never amount to anything, or a lineman may think that under 300lbs he is worthless. And while these superficial goals may be great, they should not cloud or worse yet, devour the other important parts of football.

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I want you to avoid obsessive interest because only then will you actually have the chance to achieve your natural physique and strength potential. Learn why and the difference between dedication and obsession ...
[ Click here to learn more. ]
Football success hinges on a combination of three basic parts:

  1. Football Specific Skills
  2. Athleticism (Speed, agility, acceleration, jumping ability)
  3. Power (Strength, bodyweight/size, explosiveness)
All these parts have their place in a football player. Of course, position specific specifications exist, a quarterback is much more skill reliant than a center, for example.
The key to increasing football performance is being able to balance all these parts for one's position. No one ever gets anywhere without working hard to develop each individual characteristic of their game.
1. Football Specific Skills:
    For football specific skills, it is best to use the drills provided by a coach to polish skills crucial to the position. Most positional coaches will be more than happy to help you out, especially if you come in the off-season asking for advice.

Off-Season Football Training: A Sample Program. Off-Season Football Training: A Sample Program.
In this article we will talk about a 3 day per week routine that centers around squatting and pulling. If you weren't gaining before then this will be your ticket to gain mass and strength.
[ Click here to learn more. ]
2. Athleticism:
Football team
    To increase athleticism, it is most efficient to utilize a system of sprints, plyometrics, agility ladders and other various drills that stress athletic movements. Basically anything that stresses an athletic motion done at a blistering pace will improve athletic ability. Athletic ability will also improve drastically and automatically with a body fat % decrease.
3. Power:
    A traditional, yet hybrid weight training and diet program can build power. Football players should lift heavy using the compound movements as the base of their programs, with an added focus on protein amount in their diet to improve their lean muscle mass and increase overall power. Once athletes start becoming more advanced, a supplement like a form of creatine can be a good idea.

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Football is probably the most physically demanding sport on the playing field today. It requires a combination of speed, strength, power, agility and mental toughness.
[ Click here to learn more. ]

What Are Some Key Drills To Run?

It is truly impossible to say what drills are key to run because of the diversity of the positions in football. With nearly ten different positions on offense and defense, there is no cure-all drill. Some good drills to participate in are anything that utilizes the fundamental skills of the game.

How Do You Determine Which Football Position You Are Best Suited For? How Do You Determine Which Football Position You Are Best Suited For?
How do you determine which football position you are best suited for? Find out what other people from the message boards think ...
[ Click here to learn more. ]
Agility stations, for example, work quick feet, and every position can use that. Almost all football players will be using some form of hip explosion, so a drill that stresses that, along with form tackling will always be beneficial. On the offensive side, drills for good blocking form are a good idea, along with drills that stress the proper way to carry a football and evade or take on tacklers when with it.
Overall, any drill that stresses one or more of the basic skills involved in one's position is a good idea to run at some point, especially if it is in the off-season and done with no contact as a preparation for the actual season.

What Type Of Diet Is Good For A Football Player?

A football player's diet should be constructive, not destructive. Football players often become too obsessed with dietary goals and go on binge diets. Some will not eat a gram of fat, or better yet, they will go low-carb, while others that seek to gain weight will start eating cakes and pastries.


Click Below To Learn More About Goal Setting.
A football diet has to stress good healthy foods eaten in small meals throughout the day to help build lean muscle or burn fat. The result is determined by the total caloric intake for the day.
Some good food choices include:

  • Milk
  • Cottage cheese
  • Lean beef
  • Lean chicken
  • Lean pork
  • Other lean meats
  • Oatmeal
  • Brown rice
  • Whole wheat grains
  • Eggs
  • Whey protein
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits

Bonus Question: For the average guy, about how much training do you think is necessary until they can be in "football condition?"

To be honest, little needs to be done to get back into football condition because football is a sport where form needs to be kept all year long. A year long trainee can get back into shape in 2 weeks. While someone who did not train at all can get in the cardiovascular condition to play football, they will be useless because of the lack of the aforementioned balances preparation needed to succeed in the sport of football.
I personally do little to get ready for the season to get back into "football condition," yet my insanely intense training year round prepares me automatically for the grueling months.

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