Friday, March 6, 2020

BBcom Featuring: Full-Body Routine: Total-Body Strong | Dr. Kaleb Redden

Total-Body Strong is for anyone who is ready to work both hard and smart. Follow along as Kaged Muscle athlete Dr. Kaleb Redden takes you through a strength workout. ► Total-Body Strong Training Program: ► Shop Kaged Muscle Supplements: ► BodyFti Training Programs:

| Total-Body Strong: 8-Week Full-Body Muscle and Strength Plan | Stop getting lost in the details and start paying attention to what's most important. This simple but tough training program is for anyone—man or woman, beginner or advanced—who is ready to work both hard and smart. Created by elite strength coach Charles Staley, it can help you build your muscular base, cross-train for a sport, or chase serious strength goals! | Full-Body Training | This innovative, adaptable training program is for anyone—man or woman, beginner or advanced—who is ready to work both hard and smart. It can help you build your muscular base, cross-train for a sport, or chase serious strength goals! | Customizable Programming | The workouts are based around four foundational movement patterns: squat, push, pull, hinge. You'll be given a workout every training day, but you can swap out movements based on the equipment you have and the goals you're chasing. | Nutrition and Supplement Plan | Performance nutrition can be a lot simpler than you might think. You can gain muscle and lose fat by following a few easy-to-follow guidelines. Beyond hitting your protein numbers, you don't even have to count calories or macros tightly as long as you follow coach Charles Staley's five essential rules.
| Dr. Kaleb Redden's Full-Body Routine | High-bar back squat 4 sets, 15 reps, RPE 7 Weighted push-up 4 sets, 15 reps, RPE 7 Dumbbell Romanian deadlift 4 sets, 15 reps, RPE 7 Suitcase row 4 sets, 15 reps, RPE 7 EZ-bar curl 4 sets, 15 reps, RPE 7 Rope cable push-down 4 sets, 15 reps, RPE 7
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