Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: The Ancient Healing Elixir that Boosts Health and Immunity and Superfoods For Weight Loss

Bone broth is an amazing nutritious substance that, while certainly not new, is steadily gaining in popularity with a whole new generation of cooks and health and fitness enthusiasts.

Even celebrities are speaking out about the benefits of bone broth nutrition. Actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Salma Hayek are just a few of the celebs who have publicly proclaimed the numerous health benefits of this ancient savory recipe.

 In fact, many people are calling bone broth “nature’s multivitamin” as it contains multiple minerals and other chemical compounds that most people are lacking in their diet. For example, bone broth is packed with:
 - Over 19 easy-to-absorb, essential and non-essential amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) 
- Collagen/gelatin which helps form connective tissue and promotes strong hair and nails 
- Nutrients that support your immune system, good digestion, and brain health

Superfoods For Weight Loss

By: Jim Ramontja

There are two main categories of foods that are considered superfoods for weight loss because they will make you feel full without hoarding on the calories. The foods are fruits and vegetables. Fiber is the nutrient that makes them potent weight loss agents. If fresh fruit and vegetables are the superfoods for weight loss, their fiber may well be the weight loss super nutrient.

Protein is another powerful nutrient that is becoming accepted for curbing appetite. Protein fuels your body and can slightly rave up your metabolism in the process. However, it's important to select your proteins keenly, because like all foods, if you are consuming more than your body requires, it will record up on the scale as an increase, instead of a loss.

The following superfoods for weight loss are smart, less-calorie options that will help your weight loss efforts:

Green Tea

Researchers think that the important phytochemicals in green tea known as catechins can trigger weight loss by exciting the body to flash calories and moderately decrease body fat. Besides, green tea contains antioxidants that lower body fat and calories. So form a habit of indulging in either a little tall iced green tea or a hot cup of green tea twice or thrice a day.

Broth For Weight Loss

Bone broth is a superfood that has been enjoyed for centuries by generations. It is prepared by simmering bones from either beef, chicken, fish, or turkey in a crock pot for hours or even days. A little of apple cider vinegar is added to leach out vitamins, nutrients, and minerals from the bones. Broth can help reduce hunger before meals and increase your feeling of fullness. Besides, some of the nutrients and vitamins it has promote weight loss.


Water is your body's fuel, and you must be taking it throughout the day. It lacks calories, and you can get it every day by drinking unsweetened tea, mineral water, regular water with lemon just to mention a few. Apart from helping to detoxify your body, water can also make you feel full. When hunger pangs strike, always remember to drink a glass of water before grabbing that snack.

Brown Rice

Brown rice has massive amounts of fiber, protein, less saturated fats and cholesterol. It stays in the stomach longer and will make you not feel hungry. Besides, brown rice contains resistant starch that promotes weight loss by boosting your metabolism and burning fat faster.

Whole Grain Cereal

In general, whole grains help in boosting fiber as well as the nutritional value of your food. Having a bowl of fiber-rich whole grain cereal is among the easiest ways to add a whole grain boost to your diet.

Low-Calorie Green Salads

Having a low-calorie salad - that without high-fat dressings, cheese and croutons- as a first course will make you feel full, thus controlling how you eat with your main course. Choose your ingredients wisely- which means they must have a high fiber content- to help you fight cravings during the day.


Avocado is rich in fiber, proteins, and fats that are helpful in reducing excess body fat. Moreover, it contains oleic acid that produces monounsaturated fats well known for fighting hunger. You can melt away lots of unwanted body fat by consuming this fruit often in your meals.


Fish is lean and loaded with proteins that keep hunger at bay. For instance, including salmon in your low-fat diet will help you burn fats and maintain a considerable diet.


Beans have protein and fiber that will help you feel fuller for longer hours. In plain language, this means that they may work wonders to curb your appetite between meals.


Adding dairy products to your health diet plan may promote weight loss efforts. Drinking yogurt will help you fight off hunger pangs because of its carbohydrate and protein combination.

Flax Seeds

Flax seeds contain a lot of fiber that helps promote weight loss by slowing gastric emptying to enhance nutrient absorption. Besides, the fiber and omega three fats will help you keep hunger pangs under control. Flax seed supplements can be sprinkled on salads, soups or food before eating.


Oats promote weight loss by boosting your metabolism and also burning fats quickly. The fiber it contains will help you fight hunger all day even if consumed in adequate amounts.


Nuts are superfoods that are full of healthy fatty acids that suppress hunger hormones and help burn belly fat. They also contain saturated fats that can help you shed those unwanted pounds within no time without exercise or having a close eye on your calorie intake.


Blueberries are high in fiber which controls hunger pangs for extended periods. They also have antioxidants that help melt away fat.


Eating eggs for breakfast will help you reduce weight, burn calories and fat. However, you should avoid taking the yolk since it contains high cholesterol and fat that might jeopardize your efforts. Studies show that the cholesterol that is present in eggs is not harmful to the body and doesn't pose a hazard to your health. Furthermore, they are rich in protein, take your metabolism to the next level and help you feel fuller than most foods.


Broccoli is a veggie that is packed with phytonutrients, proteins and vitamins that help in shedding weight. You can find more than enough fiber in a small amount of broccoli to help you melt away extra body fat.


Watermelon contains powerful antioxidants that make it a potent superfood for weight loss. It contains vitamin C, A, and water.


Apples are healthy foods that are low in calories and high in phytonutrients that aid in weight loss. They also contain fiber and antioxidants that help you shed weight, boost your immune system and maintain good health.


Mushrooms taste just like meat but contain fewer calories. Drinking a cup helps reduce weight by burning fats in the body.

You can make your weight loss trip a lot smoother and achieve your goals by watching what you eat. Include these superfoods for weight loss in your diet and your weight loss campaign will be a more delightful experience.

 Jim Ramontja is a health care professional and gut health blogger of over ten years. He invites you to read more of his health and alternative remedy articles at:

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