Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Legend


From CDM
One guarantee in life is that it will never be trouble-free. Whenever issues arise, we can take courage in knowing that God is always available to help us. In ancient times, He promised Joshua that He would never abandon him. We have that same promise because of the grace God offers those who trust Him.

It’s comforting to know that God will always be with us when we need Him. His mercy was evident even when the children of Israel repeatedly disobeyed and sinned against Him. He forgave them when they repented and turned their hearts back to Him. He gave the Law of Moses, but He gave it out of love.
God made a powerful statement professing His love for us when He sent His Son, who was the mirror image of the Father, to earth as a permanent sin-offering for us. Jesus gives us the opportunity to become children of God. This is amazing, because now we can be as righteous and holy as He is. Because of His unmerited favor toward us, Jesus made it possible to live a victorious and powerful life on earth, and have eternal life with Him in heaven.
In our daily lives, problems can pop up at any time, but we don’t have to face them on our own. God is our Rock; without Him, life would overwhelm us. The image of a rock that can dash us to pieces can be frightening to those who refuse to trust God for their safety, but the message to believers is that His grace keeps us from drowning when the storms of life hit.
Lord God, You’re always with us, even during our worst times. You love us so much that You refuse to turn Your back on us when we sin; You instead offer us mercy and forgiveness. Thank You for delivering us from trouble when it hits. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Joshua 1:5
Isaiah 26:4, NIV
Luke 1:28, AMPC
John 3:16
2 Corinthians 12:9

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