Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Rob Rock


When we think about all God has done, even sacrificing His own Son to die for us, it’s hard not to automatically give Him thanks. Even with the best of intentions, many people would only go so far to help us when we get in trouble. When the stakes get high, they pull back. However, instead of hesitating when the enemy captured us in sin, God went as far as was necessary to save us all.

When Adam and Eve fell in the garden of Eden, Jesus willingly offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice to cleanse us from the sin in which we were trapped. Jesus was human like us, by choice, yet He was also God. This perfect expression of the Father’s love for us has never been duplicated, and never will be.
God’s very nature is love. He wants everyone to live a victorious life on earth through Him, and enter the gates of heaven and stand in His presence when our lives here are finished. His will is eternal life for everyone. He made this possible through Jesus, who is the only way to receive it.
Grace is God’s unmerited, unearned, undeserved favor, but many people don’t understand the nature of it. They can’t comprehend why God would send His Son to endure on our behalf what we deserve, and offer instead something we clearly don’t deserve. The world refuses to believe this grace, but when we receive it, we become justified by faith.
God’s grace has always been around, even before Jesus was born on earth. Moses, Abraham, Joseph, and David were recipients of God’s favor because of their faith in Him. He wants to shower us with His love, and show us the same kind of favor. Thankfully, all that’s required of us is that we believe and receive from Him.
Father God, Jesus Christ made it possible for us to be completely cleansed of all sin and be as righteous and holy as You. Thank You for showing us Your unconditional love and favor, and allowing us to stand in Your presence. In Jesus’ name, amen. 
Philippians 2:8
Romans 5:8
Ephesians 2:8
Genesis 12:2, 3
Genesis 39:4
Exodus 3:21
1 Samuel 16:10-13, 22
For more on how thankfulness changes our outlook on life and subsequently how we live, click on the link for the two-CD series, Thankfulness: Understanding God’s Design for Your Life.

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