Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: The Role of Biblical Nutrition in the Fight Against Cancer and Motivation for Getting Healthy

Join Dr. Josh Axe for his provocative presentation at TTAV LIVE 2019 on biblical nutrition and its powerful role in fighting cancer.
Do you remember the bible verse James 5:14? "Are any of you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray for them and anoint their head with oil.

" Did you know there is an actual oil blend referred to in that verse? Tune in as Dr. Josh Axe shares more about the healing essential oils discussed in the bible, and how our emotions can affect the way our bodies function…. Everything from grief and anxiety to joy.

 Are you worried about your future? Here's what Jeremiah 29:11 says. "'For I know the plans I have for you," declares the lord. "Plans for welfare, and not for evil. To give you a future and a hope."

Watch the full video as Dr. Axe takes us step-by-step on a path to healing.

Motivation for Getting Healthy

By: Jeremy Nelms

Get ready to think. A lot. By the end, you’ll understand the reason why.

In the 14 years that I have been a fitness professional and helped people lose weight, much has changed. The systems used today to help people lose weight are based on a lot more knowledge, research, and valuable real-world experience. In fact, dropping body fat really has never been simpler to achieve.

Immeasurably better exercise programming, strong awareness of the need for crucial recovery, greatly improved nutrition research: it all adds up to a program that helps people lose weight faster than ever.

So, if that’s the case: why are so many giving up after frustrated attempts at losing weight?

The brutally honest answer is a lack of consistency. Because think about it: consistently following a system that has been proven over and over again to create weight loss… is GOING to cause weight loss!

So, next question: if consistency is the issue, why aren’t people consistent?

Admittedly, it takes work to lose bodyfat. You’ll need to work hard. You’ll need to choose quality food. You’ll need to rest properly. You’ll even be a little hungry, sometimes, no matter what the latest diet book or guru says.

But…(the next logical question): why is it that some people can maintain consistency and successfully lose weight, while others seem unable to do so?

For nearly everyone, the answer is… motivation. Nearly every time, it will be the people with an exceptionally strong "reason why" who achieve their goals and get into new and improved clothing sizes.

Knowing this, it’s time to look inside: what is YOUR motivation for fitness, losing weight, being healthy, and improving your body?

Is it, in general, to "look better"? I can assure you that this shallow reason has resulted in failure for nearly everyone we’ve trained. In fact, we don’t train anyone anymore who can only answer their "reason why" with, "I want to look better."

Looking better simply is not a strong enough motivator to lose weight. Period. Go back to the drawing board, or more precisely, into the deep recesses of your mind, and find a better reason.

Is your reason why so that you can have a better quality of life, in terms of your day-to-day activities? Experience shows that not even the "better quality of life" answer will create consistent action .

For some, it takes the deep emotional pain of hearing their children or grand children say "I want to be really big like mommy" or "I wish my daddy would play with me like your daddy does" before they truly realize what has happened to their body. The reality is that it’s not until people are able to provide an extremely specific reason for improving their quality of life that consistency begins to shine through .

And where consistency shines through, results follow.

But we're still not done. Because, unfortunately, time and time again, it is a medical scare or injury that leads to the most successful weight loss success stories. However, by then, for all too many people, it is literally too late. As hard as this is to hear, by this time, it may be over. 

A fatal heart attack or stroke does not allow someone the opportunity to change their habits, does it?

So, truly, the answer to weight loss is this: after finding a STRONG, life-changing, compelling "reason why" as your motivation, consistently take action and apply the proven principles of dropping body fat.

It’s simple, really. Find the most emotional, most drastic, most rewarding or most painful reason to change your life. Either way, when you truly FEEL those emotions, you should either want to jump up and down and tell everyone (reward-based motivation), or you should be crying (pain-based motivation).

Do you truly want consistency? Find reasons on BOTH ends of the spectrum! If you can achieve that, your likelihood of success increases beyond measure.

Spend time thinking about this. Get out a notebook and write down your answers for your "reason why". Pray and ask God to reveal some of your deepest emotions, both positive and negative. Later this week and in the coming months ahead, we’ll start looking at some Biblical reasons for being healthy that I believe are going to forever change your life.

Stay tuned, find your reason why, and God bless you richly.

Jeremy Nelms

 Jeremy Nelms is the creator of Fit For Jesus! FitForJesus.com brings together Christians from around the world to support each other, lose weight and get in great shape at http://www.FitForJesus.com. With a rapidly growing Christian social network, you can receive nutrition tips, exercise techniques, recipes, and massive amounts of prayer support. Learn more about taking care of the temple of the Holy Spirit at Fit For Jesus today!

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