Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Fear Not

Being beloved children of someone with unlimited power and authority sets us apart from everyone else. It gives us certain rights and privileges that remind us that we’re uncommon. If we’ve been born again, we’re no longer mere mortals because our identities have changed. We’ve become children of God, with the same supernatural power as Jesus Christ.

As many as receive Him, to them He gives power to become sons of God, even to those who believe on His name. As God’s children, we’ve been called to live above what goes on in the natural world while still living in it. We’re not to think like everyone else, or fall back on the “I’m only human” excuse. We can be bold sons and daughters of God, because as He is, so are we in this world.
We have God’s unconditional approval and acceptance, and we base our identity in Him. We have the same authority and right to command as He has. This was always God’s plan from the beginning when He made man, both male and female, in His image. He didn’t create us to put up with issues in life, but to dominate them.
Our divine identities are only possible because of God’s grace; under the law, there was no opportunity to be a child of God. Moses was God’s faithful servant, but still a servant. Servants operate by the law; sons operate by grace. Servants sweat to earn their masters’ approval; sons know they’ve already received it.
God publicly voiced His approval of Jesus and affirmed Jesus’ identity as His Son on more than one occasion. He does the same for us when we accept Christ and believe in His finished works. When trouble shows up, we no longer have to talk to God about our problem; we now talk to our problem about what God has already done. Acknowledging who we are in Christ frees us from all limitations.
Heavenly Father, You gave us the opportunity to be transformed from ordinary people into Your children. Our identity as members of Your family makes us special, and reminds us how much You love us. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
John 1:12
1 John 4:17
Genesis 1:26, 27
Hebrews 3:5
Matthew 3:17
Matthew 17:5
For more on how our divine identity empowers us, click on the link for the three-CD series, Your Identity in Christ.

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