Sunday, January 5, 2020

Creflo Dollar Ministries Featuring: Saturday Service and Take a Stand Against Strife

If you’ve ever had a disagreement with someone that escalated to the point where you felt
like your anger was about to boil over and get out of control, you were most likely in strife. As
part of being human, we’ve all felt that way at one time or another. Strife is emotionally painful,
and has the potential to destroy us.(Continued below...............)

Learning how to recognize and deal with it keeps us safe.
Strife is a vigorous, bitter conflict, antagonism toward someone else, intense jealousy, or
an angry quarrel with another person. It can destroy families, relationships, and even entire
churches. It can break up marriages, businesses, and all that God’s grace is trying to do.
Wherever envying and strife show up, confusion and every evil work follow.
Diffusing strife allows God’s blessing to operate in our lives. In the Old Testament,
Abraham dealt with it wisely when it caused arguments between the herdsman for his cattle and
Lot’s cattle. It may initially have appeared that Lot was getting the better land, but God blessed
Abraham abundantly because of the integrity he displayed.
Strife prevents us from making progress in life and blocks God’s blessings. One way it
originates is in self-centeredness; however, it’s impossible to be in strife when we walk in love.
Putting God in the center of the situation instead of ourselves shields us from this dangerous
emotion. God is love; when we bring Him into the situation, strife has to go.

God loves us, and strife isn’t His will for us. Hatred stirs up strife; loves covers all sins.
Strife can also spring from pride, which is a refusal to submit to God’s plans for us. A proud
heart stirs up strife, but the person who trusts in the Lord will prosper.
God wants to deliver us from strife. In the same way He delivered David from Saul and
from strife with his people, He’ll deliver us from its toxic effects. Trusting Him on this brings us
Lord, Your will is for us to experience peace, not strife, in our lives. Walking in Your Word
helps us do that. We’re grateful for the power Your love gives us in this area. In Jesus’ name,
James 3:16
Genesis 13:7-17
1 John 4:8, 16
Proverbs 10:12
Proverbs 28:25, NKJV
2 Samuel 22:44, AMPC

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