Thursday, January 23, 2020

BBcom Featuring: Booty & Leg Builder Workout | Maaxx West and What is a Good Beginner's Workout Routine?

Build a booty you'll love with this complete legs and glutes focused workout from Olympus Lyfestyle athlete Maaxx West 
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| Maaxx Wests's Booty & Leg Builder Workout 
| 1. Leg Extensions 
2. Wide Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts 
3. Cable Hamstring Curl 4. Banded Stiff Leg Deadlift 
5. Dumbbell Sumo Squat 
6. Leg Press 
7. Sissy Squat

What is a Good Beginner's Workout Routine?
By: Carol Fellman

The time has come when your motivation and desire for a strong, healthy body are moving you to look for a good beginner’s workout routine. This seems like it should be simple enough but with all the information out there you may find it a challenge to find what works best.

Checking out you local gym could be your first step. When you arrive you will probably find a group of people, all who seem to know what they are doing. Then you have to face the wall of mirrors that lines every workout room which seems to be reflecting back everything you do not know about working out. You may ask yourself why you are subjecting yourself to this. The answer is simple. The obvious gains you will enjoy from working your body.

If you undertake a weight lifting program, you can expect to strengthen your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. You will also find improvement in your overall fitness level, a strengthening of you cardiovascular system and you can expect to shed some pounds.

The formula for strengthening and toning your body is to use lower weights and do higher repetitions. Using higher weights with lower repetitions is more effective if you would like to build muscle mass.

When beginning a workout routine there are two common mistakes that are made that can lead to diminished results and to a good chance of being injured. These mistakes are performing the exercises improperly and using too much weight. So when just starting out you want to be sure that you’re using the appropriate amount of weight and that you find out how to do the exercises correctly.

When working out, doing all your exercises with a slow controlled range of motion is very important. You will be creating more muscle tension which produces more force leading to more activation of muscle fibers. This ensures the strengthening of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that you are looking for and creating less trauma to these same tissues.

The key to starting a good beginner’s workout routine is to educate yourself on acquiring the skills to exercising properly. This allows you to set more realistic goals and achieve the results you are looking for. There are many good programs available and this author recommends you spend some time looking around for the program that works best for you before you don those shorts and cinch up the sneakers.

 For a complete guide to a good beginner's workout routine I recommend an excellent program, No Nonsense Muscle Building. This program offers all the information you need to begin and progress in your workout along with a nutritional guide to maximize your strength training routine.

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