Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: 5 Natural Therapies to Help Your Body Detox from Chemotherapy

Conventional methods of treating cancer generate approximately $200 billion dollars each year, and that's just in the U.S.!
 Most of this money goes straight to the manufacturers and a large majority is generated through the sale and use of chemotherapy drugs. (continued below).......

Chemotherapy is part of the “Big 3” treatment methods promoted by allopathic medicine: chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, with millions of cancer patients using it in some way each year.

 If you or someone you love decide to go the “chemo route” as part of an overall cancer treatment protocol, be sure to get the facts.

Most importantly, find out what you can do to detoxify your body right away once your chemo course is over.

 After watching this video, go here to learn more about how to detox after chemotherapy and rebuild your health:

 Use Your Mind To Heal Cancer

By: Wendy Kramer

Your mind is the epicenter of your body. Your mind is responsible for everything, every movement, even the act of breathing. How bizarre that we only use ten per cent of it and we still know so little. It’s like an anatomical black box.

When I imagine the world in one hundred years’ time I imagine a mind that we have begun to understand and a world free of cancer. After all, the body can already heal itself (for example; when you cut yourself) and the role of the mind in that healing is still quite vague. Could we use our mind to intentionally heal our bodies?

I lost my cousin to cancer in 2007. We were the same age, she was just 26. Then I lost her mother a few years after that. Again to cancer. If they were still around today I would share with them the little information I have learned about the mind and I would ask them to follow the below ten steps as part of their daily routine.

In one hundred years, when we know how to harness our powerful minds, this may turn out to be a prov-en cancer cure. That or just ten small steps that could have significantly improved the mindset and general well being of my Aunt and cousin.

1) Surround yourself with beautiful things. Both to listen to and to look at. You will harness your mind more easily when you are relaxed. Beautiful things also make a good distraction from the disease so watch comedies and laugh… no more dramas and tear jerkers.

2) Get plenty of hugs and if there is no one around then hug yourself. Seriously do it! Massages are good also.

3) Don’t mention the K-word, forget it. K-word because C-word will still evoke cancerous thoughts. You need purity of thought now. So do what you have to do (chemo etc) but refrain from talking about it as much as possible. If you do slip up and mention it, don’t worry. Breathe out and let it go then find a happy thought to replace it.

4) While eating, visualize the healthy nutrients and minerals traveling to your stomach and large intestine. Close your eyes and see them being absorbed into your blood stream and traveling to the cancerous location. Their absorption will have a profoundly positive effect on your healing.

5) Take a deep breath at the end of each meal. Place your hand over the cancerous part of your body and visualize your hand drawing the toxins out of your body. Breathe out and visualize those toxins racing through your blood stream to your lungs and out through your mouth.

6) Light incense or an oil burner in your bedroom before you go to bed. Breathe in the scent deeply one time and say out loud "this scent passes through my body and heals me from the inside out". Visualize the scent as a golden light moving throughout your body.

7) Listen to a hypnosis CD while you sleep. They work as they bypass the reasoning part of your brain and talk directly to your subconscious.

8) Start every day on a high note. Carry a photo of one of your great loves (i.e. your husband, or maybe your cat or dog). Pull out the photo and look at your great love whenever you are feeling down.

9) Take a liquid multivitamin at breakfast. Hold up the shot of Vemma, look at it, and say out loud "This little potion brings me great health". As you drink visualize the liquid racing down through your body and washing away the toxins. Any vitamin tablet will do though Vemma in liquid form will help with the visualization.

10) Have faith. If I knew then what I know now I could have helped both my cousin and Aunt. We use ten per cent of our minds and have no real understanding of its capabilities. You are mind, your body is just the shell, so use your mind to heal your body.

Please pass this on to someone you love (NB. The above 10 steps have not been medically proven and are by no means a replacement for medications or therapies prescribed by your GP)
 You can buy Vemma at:

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