Monday, December 30, 2019

Joseph Prince Featuring: How do I love God with all my heart, soul and strength?

This clip is from: Joseph Prince—Activate God’s Favor In Your Life (31 Jan 2016) @josephprince Believe it or not but the Christian life isn’t about loving the Lord with all your heart, soul and strength (and beating yourself up when you’ve tried your best but still fail to do so). The true Christian life is about you receiving the love that was poured out at the cross for you.

Hear all about it in this video clip we’ve prepared for you. ✨

 “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1 John 4:10)

 At the cross, Jesus loved you with ALL His heart, soul and strength, when He laid down His life on that cross for you. That’s why it’s not about how much you love Him, but how much He loves you. We love because He first loved us.

The more of His love you receive, the more you will fall in love with Him. – A digital magazine and online channel by Joseph Prince Ministries. Check out at for more grace-centered content.

Born to Victory

John 16:33, The Amplified Bible
Jesus said as long as you live in the world, you're going to have trouble. (I can vouch for that!) But you're not just in the world. You're in Jesus in the world, and that makes all the difference. You're in Him and He's overcome every kind of trouble there is.
As God's child, you're not the defeated trying to get victory. You're the overcomer, and Satan's trying to rob you of the victory that already belongs to you.
When you made Jesus the Lord of your life, you were born into victory... because the Victor came to live in you. Think about it. The victorious Jesus. The Anointed One. The glorified and resurrected Lord. The Ruler of the Universe.
Cheer up, my friend. Have "perfect peace and confidence." That's Jesus who lives in you!
Scripture Reading:
John 16:15-33

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